…..Under The Weather…..

…..Under The Weather…..

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Some bug sought me out at the recent wedding we attended…..

…..I’m not surprised…..

The bride and groom’s  relatives came from all over the country for the event…..

…..I can’t remember exactly…..but mostly they were from one of the “I” states…..

…..(I’m going to take a guess at it being Iowa)…..

The wedding day was very cold (for Florida)………….(not Iowa)…..

…..and viral-bugs had been especially shipped in with the northern (sturdier) relatives…..

But I’m Under-the-Weather now…..

I think I have a fever…..but the only working thermometers I have have been up various animal butts…..

…..(so that’s a hard-NO!)…..

…..(I’ll monitor things with the back of my hand on my forehead………….Thank You Very Much)…..

My daughter just told me that the Matron of Honor (and her family) are all sick too…..

It’s the muscle aches that bother me the most………….(ALL of my muscles)…..

…..and the incessant headache…..

I’ll get a Covid-19 test…..but I feel sure this is just a grungy-flu-season-virus…..

Something to nap through…..drink excessive amounts of hot tea…..and nap some more…..

…..oooh!…..I have an excuse to mix up some honey & lemon juice & mediocre bourbon…..

…..(except I don’t have a sore throat)…..

…..(it’s even been too much responsibility to brush my teeth and my hair)…..

…..(plus I’d have to say…..washing my grotty hair is not a big priority for today either)…..






#matronofhonor #covid19 #flu #virus #bourbon

2 thoughts on “…..Under The Weather…..

    1. Thanks. I am just about back at 100%…
      I don’t like this sick-thing…..it’s not productive…..(plus I get kind-of-bitchy)…..but it wasn’t Covid-19!…..phew!…..

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