Uhhhh, is this thing on?…

Uhhhh, is this thing on?…

Hello…Hello…oldest daughter here.  Mom’s okay right now.

No one needs to worry just yet, but she was admitted to the hospital yesterday for hypoxia which appears to be from lung clots.

Not a whole lot more information, other than she had a really high blood pressure.

In lieu of elevator music, here are some photos of EKG stickers I’ve found discarded near the hospital.

Kind of like “Flat Stanley”…but really…not at all like Flat Stanley.

EKG Stickum #1

Can’t quite see it?          Hold on, I got you.

Same EKG Stickum

Was that the only one?          Nope.

EKG Stickum #2

Where was this one?          Glad you asked.

EKG Stickum #2

If you guessed in the bathroom, you would be correct.

I like to imagine the person high-fiving it onto the wall.

EKG Stickum #3

This little number was graciously sent in by one of our viewers…aka “Mom”.

I’m cheating.  I asked her to text it to me.

I thought I had a photo of an EKG stickum stuck to a plant pot by the hospital’s front doors.

But alas…I must have deleted it.

I’ll look for more when I go to pick her up.

She’ll be back soon!

Mom refusing to put on the hospital gown.







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