Ugly Cheesecake

Ugly Cheesecake

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One could say that I’m eating too much junk food…..

… could say that…..

One would be right…..

I should feel guilty…..and…..I might…..just a little…..

…..but I’ll think about that after the next mouthful…..

This might be one of the ugliest cheesecakes ever…..but looks deceive…..

My photos aren’t very appetizing…..

I realized that pan is even older than I am……

……but the end result is worth it…..

Maybe it’s the kind of cheesecake you should eat with your eyes shut or while wearing a blindfold…..

Excessive Cream Cheese…

… me…..all the hard-earned cellulite on my buttocks attests to the wonderfulness of this recipe…..

The recipe’s end result is a very heavy/massive/ugly/yet tasty/cheesy-cake…..

To begin with…..there’s massive amount of cream cheese in it…..

…..there are six/seis/VI packages of cream cheese in it…..that’s three pounds of the stuff…..right?

Cream Cheese Wrappers…

…..not to mention the sugar…..and the butter…..and the graham crackers…..and the rest…..

I recommend getting a good grip on the pan when you’re trying to secretly pull it out of the refrigerator for midnight snacks…..


I’ll write the recipe down properly at the end of this post…..

…..maybe you can make it prettier…..

……I’ve never really been into looks…..I don’t want to waste any calories on eye-pleasing garnishes…..

I’d rather concentrate on the motherlode…..

But if you need to eat your feelings…..I recommend this recipe…..

Cheesecake in the Making…


(…..and now the recipe…..)…………………The Ugly Cheesecake…………………

~~~Combine 2 small pkgs. of lemon Jello with 2 cups of hot water…..let set until slightly firm.

~~~Whip together 6 (8oz.) pkgs. of cream cheese, 2 cups of sugar, 1 pkg. DreamWhip, 1 can of reg. evaporated milk.  Add and mix in Jello.

~~~Pour over pressed graham cracker crust lined pan…..(crushed graham crackers mixed with 1 stick of melted butter and sugar to taste…..I like sugar).

~~~Let it chill and set in the fridge…..

…..Voila, c’est fait…………………and now…..dig in…..







#cheesecake #philadelphiacreamcheese #creamcheese #emotionaleating

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