~~~Udder Impatience~~~

~~~Udder Impatience~~~

Claire~~~~~”The Tolerant”~~~~~

Probably after reading this post and seeing my photographic time-line…..

…..you will probably come to the same conclusion where a number of my friends and family members have already arrived…..

Claire’s Udder Circa 12/12/20

…..that I need to stop with all of the photos of Claire’s udder…(and other under-things)…..

Claire’s Udder~~~12/14/20

Claire is (understandably) fed up with me and my camera…..

…..she neither understands nor appreciates the flashbulb or the photographic-study of her belly and nether-regions…..

~~~12/17/20~~~(You See The Difference…Right?)

Brave just thinks I’m being ridiculous…..


Addy is glad that it’s not her under-things that are the subject of intense focus for my zoom lens at this point in time…..

Addy & Anja…(and company)…

And Anja continues to fly under the radar…..

You might think that the photos are simply repetitive…..

12/19/20—–See The Difference!—–See The Difference!!!

…..but they are not…..

…..there are many nuances of differences…..

Claire’s Udder On The Twentieth…(and she’s rubbing & itching…I put some olive oil on it)…

…..to the trained eye…..

…..like mine…..

Claire’s Milk Vein (i.e…the superficial caudal epigastric vein)

…..I know these things……………I do…..

But really…..?…..

………………………………………………who am I kidding…..?…..

Photo #1

…..there’s hardly any difference between the sequence of photographs…..

…..I’m surprised Claire hasn’t kicked my head off yet…..and stomped me into the mud…..

Photo #2…..(there’s less than ten days difference between #1 and #2)…

…..my daughters have tried to chase me down to get the camera out of my hands……

*****The one glowing thing that has been illuminated with my excessive-compulsion about chronicling Claire’s approach to foaling…..is that I don’t get out enough*****

…..(AND Here’s A News Flash)…..

~~~~~Patience Is Not My Strong Point~~~~~

Claire & Brave

…..(will Claire’s baby be a Capricorn?)…..

…..(what if Claire’s not pregnant?)…..

…..(will the baby have Claire’s mustache?)…..

…..(where’s my camera?)…..






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