Tube-Feeding & Enemas

Tube-Feeding & Enemas


This will be a quick post.

Things to do…

Puppies to raise…

Sleep deprivation is chronic and on-going.


I’m not the most pleasant person to be around right now…

When I’m thoroughly exhausted, I’m grumpy & impatient & an alpha-bitch……….(but really/just drop the word alpha)…



The puppies are the tantamount priority right now.

My day starts and ends with their care and nurturing.

Actually there isn’t even a start and an end to the days………….they just flow into each other…………..”flow” may not be the best descriptive word………….maybe collide, or smash, or crash into each other would be a better choice of words…

I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus…

A few of the puppies have become apathetic about nursing from the bottle………………that’s never good…

I’ve got the tubing…

I’ve got the syringes…

Nope, Not Me…



I’ve got a can-do attitude…



So the necessary puppies have all gotten tube-fed…

It’s gut-wrenching———they wiggle so much———you HAVE TO MAKE SURE the tubing is in their little stomaches and NOT in their lungs…………..

But, when done properly, it’s a sure fire way to make sure the puppies get the appropriate and allotted amount of food.

*****Tube-Feeding Instructions*****


And then there’s the other end to consider…

The puppies were getting fussy, and crying a lot, and they were all obviously in an escalating degree of discomfort.

Their little tummies were appearing nicely round and plump………

………..but in actuality, they were full of air and accumulating constipation.

But, that was a much easier remedy than tube-feeding….

Using a different syringe (of course) and an appropriate amount of warmed distilled water and a studied visit to each of the puppies’ rectums———enemas were in order for them all……………….


After the resulting, obvious evacuations occurred………….the puppies were all quiet and content and are now sleeping………….

It just all goes to show———what goes in, must come out………….

Life is good…

(Boy! Β For such little puppies they were FULL of IT!!!)





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