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I understand Anja’s dilemma…..

She could survive on air alone…..

We’re trying to reduce her princess-pony-zaftig-ness…..

Anja does enjoy her meals…..

Where Claire needs all the calories we can spackle on her…..

Anja requires a minimalist chef…..

…Bony Claire….

You know sometimes when you look at someone every day…you don’t realize when they’re changing…..?…..

…..and then for some reason there’s a flashbulb realization that things have changed right under your nose…..?…..

I recently had one of those “Ah Ha!” moments where Anja’s pretty-princess-pudge was concerned…..

Somewhere along the line…Anja has gotten roly-poly-chunky…..

…..(I understand)…..

…..I can gain weight on air too…..

…..(who am I kidding?)…..

…..(my rolls are from Moon Pies & the mediocre Bourbon & Coke and all those Little Debbie Cakes)…..

…(a delicious combination of lard and refined sugar)…

…..(that’s where my weight-gain originates)…..

I know…I know…a moment on the lips…forever on the hips…Blah…Blah…Blah…..

Anja and I can commiserate…..

…..(over snacks)…..

She’s so round right now…..

It’s like she’s built in circles…..

…..round eyes…round hooves…round butt…round belly…..

…..She’s incredibly Rubenesque…..(***Definition of Rubenesque***)…..

…..One could say cherubic…..

The result is…we’ve had to limit Anja’s time on the alfalfa block…..

Where Claire can’t get enough to fill in her bony hips and withers…..

…..Anja’s looking like a round balloon…..

We’ve had to (necessarily) stall Anja for part of each day…..

Anja spends her days in a 14′ x 14′ stall…and then in the cool of the night…she can eat all the alfalfa she wants…..

Plus…she’s more focused on eating…and she doesn’t think about all the mischief she could be getting into with her idle time…..

Traditionally ponies are VERY mischievous & intelligent…(I’m glad they don’t have opposable-thumbs)…..

Norwegian Fjord Horse

This new routine is working out well so far…..

…..it’s important to think like a pony…..

…..hopefully a little ahead of that pony…..






#norwegianfjordhorse #pony #alfalfa #compressedalfalfahay #hay #bitingbugs #diet #rubenesque

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