Tubby Anja

Tubby Anja

Anja, My Daughter & Lucy

Anja has had her third botulism vaccination now…

We need to wait a couple weeks…..and then we can bring her home…….


…..from now on, she will get her one annual botulism booster along with all of the other horses here…

Recently, my younger daughter and I went to visit Anja at Suzanne-Annette’s farm…

Anja And Her Jewelry

We were able to try on her new blinged-out, (knock-off) Swarovski-crystal bridle-browband…….

(…..Santa had given it to my younger daughter…)

Anja looks gorgeous.

While there, we tried on her saddle for the very first time…….

…..we had been hesitating to fit her for her girth and saddle until now…….because she has been so very…………chunky…….

…..we were hoping that she might loose some weight and slim down…….

…..and she has…….a bit…

…..my younger daughter and Anja have been walking…….and walking…….and walking…….all around her pasture every time we have visited…

And that appears to have worked…….

…..well that, along with the glorified straw that we call hay down here…

Coming from Minnesota…….Anja (I’m sure) was accustomed to much, much more luxurious and nutritious (and caloric) hay…

Our sugar-sand-soil can only produce reedy, brown nothingness down here…

The poor dear…….

See…….No Green Anywhere In This Round Bale…Whatsoever

But it has had it’s desired effect…….

Anja is a bit less beefy these days…….

…..and that’s a good thing…….

…..when she arrived she was a Jell-O-Jiggler…….

…..when this summer’s heat finally arrives (next week), she will be much cooler and under much less stress…….

…..being slimmer will be healthier for our pudgy pony………….





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