Tropical Storm Beta…..(?)…..What…..(?)

Tropical Storm Beta…..(?)…..What…..(?)

Alpha Romeo

I missed Alpha completely…..

…..’cuz “they” are already talking about Beta!!!

***Tropical Storm Beta***

Betta Fish…..(get it?)

Where was Tropical Storm/Hurricane Alpha???

Is she over?…………is she coming this way?…..

… Alpha a girl’s name…..(?)…..

She’s appeared & then disappeared out of nowhere…..

Come on…..!…..

*****How To Name Hurricanes—A thru Z…..And Beyond*****

Hurricane Wilfred is out there in the Atlantic…..motoring his way towards the west…..


…..and Teddy’s doing a twirl…..somewhere…..!

And then… I hear about Tropical Storm Beta all of a sudden…..!…..

… our own backyard (the Gulf of Mexico)…..over night….!…..

Just One More Fish Photo…..(they’re so pretty)

I swear we were just at “S” the other day in the regular alphabet with Hurricane Sally…..

…..weren’t we…..(?)…..

…..well, crap-a-roonie…..

I’m sucking on my comfort cup of tea…..

(because I’m not allowed to eat my feelings anymore)

…..maybe I should just put a straw in the pot…..

I’m exhausted…..

I go to bed in the evening and I wake up with storms littered all over the water…..

It looks like the Atlantic Ocean has chicken pox…..

(just in case)***Here’s More Hurricane Info***

…..I’d like to be able to send some of this excess rain & wet to the west coast with all of their fires……

All I can do is wait…..and chew my fingernails…..and develop some new nervous tics…..(aided by tea-caffeine)…..

***I Guess It’s Gamma,  Delta,  &  Epsilon Next…..***

…..I’m a twitching mess right now…..

…..maybe I’ll go out and start up the generator again…..just to make sure I can…..and that it turns over…..again…..

*****And There’s Something Swirling Behind Wilfred/Just Off Of Africa*****

…..I should pour another pot of tea…..

…..or maybe it’s time for mediocre bourbon…..

Mediocre Bourbon—–Huzzah!





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