~~~Trooper’s On A Diet~~~

~~~Trooper’s On A Diet~~~

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When we first got Trooper…he was skinny…..

Actually he was a mess…..

A good friend had found him and seen his condition and needed to find him a home…..

…..so she called us…..

We needed a buck at that point………….the timing was perfect…..

Storm Trooper is a registered Saanen dairy goat…he had been a 4H or FFA (Future Farmers of America) project…but somewhere along the way…Trooper hit hard times…..

When he arrived on our farm…he was very skinny…very skittish…..

…..and by his torn ears…it was easy to see that he had survived at least one dog or coyote attack…..

Like I said…he was a mess…..

In the time Trooper’s been here…he’s made a turn-around…..

…..there are now eleven…11…XII…onze…undici…of his babies running around…..

…(Irma was a great wet-nurse for a lot of Trooper’s offspring )…

He’s put on weight…(a lot of weight)…(more weight than we had anticipated)…..

He became Brave’s buddy…now there’s a homeostasis between their new bro-pac…..

Brave and Trooper

…..and Brave’s been sharing his food with Trooper…maybe even too much of his food with Trooper…..

…..and Trooper has been obliging Brave…..

It would be rude not to…Right?…..

Well………….where we wanted Brave to put on weight…and we wanted Trooper to not be so skinny…

…..we didn’t expect Trooper to become sooooo porky…..

…..I don’t believe in Fat-Shaming……

…..I don’t…..


Trooper is not self-regulating what he’s consuming…and he doesn’t like his goat food…he wants Brave’s high-test rocket fuel…(with supplements)…..

*****(Brave’s Getting ProForce Fuel/by Nutrena)*****

…..Damn Trooper…You’re Fat!…Show A Little Restraint!…..

…..(Oops…so much for not fat shaming…huh?)…..

But he has turned into a Major Chunk-o!…..

Trooper in repose…resting…after another big meal…

Because Brave wasn’t about to turn Trooper away from his *breakfast*lunch*& dinner buckets…we had to make other plans…..

So………….to that effect my older daughter nailed up two pieces of plywood to cover the holes in the stall door…(that Trooper had originally “enlarged” and walked through)…..

And Trooper is now back in that same stall…with an appropriate goat “maintenance” diet (which he doesn’t like)…and now (hopefully) Brave can actually start putting on some weight…..

One of Trooper ‘s sons (now a wether)…

…..(fyi…Brave has been depressed since Claire was put down…and as a result has been “off his food”)…(Sad…but True)…..

Brave’s a sensitive stallion…but he (apparently) does NOT eat his feelings…..

Trooper (however) is doing that for him…..

Trooper…Claire…and Brave

We have to trim Trooper down…..

And we have to find Brave another equine friend…..






#seminolefeed #ffa #futurefarmersofamerica #

#saanendairygoats #idha #drumhorse #galwaywarrior #mannapro #purina #

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