Triplets…….Not Twins!

Triplets…….Not Twins!


Mistakes were made…..


Over-sights happened…..

It probably had something to do with the impending potential of being hit by lightening…..

…..that and the goats’ abilities to hide their children…..

Cypress Tree Roots

Everything ultimately turned out all right…(how that happened…I have NO idea)…..

(I really don’t know how…..(?)…..)

The Missing Triplet



…..the next day…..we found yet another “new”(?) singleton buckling…..(?)

…..we found the little boy amongst some dead tree roots…..under a downed tree trunk…

…..he was little…but appeared fine…

Normally when you pick up a baby…..

…..the mother follows complaining loudly every step of the way…..

…..they stay with their children…..


…..but with this little boy…none of the remaining does (who were still in the pasture) were interested in following us up to the barn…..

… one followed us… all…..


Odd…..very odd…..

Box Stall #1

We currently have an over-flow of goats in two different box stalls in the barn…

In the second stall, we have the two “old goats” along with three other very-pregnant does…

Box Stall #2  &  Isabella (an old goat)

…..we set the little boy amongst them…..

… one was the least bit interested in him…..


Cami & Teddy…..(she’s a keeper)

…..all the mothers in the other stall (Stall #1) already had their babies with them…

…..then who owned this little boy???????…..

Our only option was to put him in with the mothers and their kids (who we put in the first stall the evening before)…..

…..then we might be able to (hopefully) confuse one of the mom’s into adopting him…(?)….

Well…….that didn’t turn out the way we planned it…..AT ALL…….

…..when we put him down in the middle of the mom’s and their newly born kids…..

Mama Goat Is On The Right

…..the mother of one of the sets of “twins” ran over to him…..took ownership…..and he started nursing immediately!!!!!!!

Apparently she hadn’t kidded twins………….she had kidded triplets………!!!………aaaaaauuuuuuggggghhhhhh!

I hadn’t located her son the previous evening…..

He had survived the lightening and the rain…..

He had survived the night and the predators…..

…..and he had survived without nursing for almost twenty-four hours from his last meal…..!!!!!!!

Sometimes Mother Nature can be kind…..

Sometimes she lends a watchful eye and a helping hand…..

Triplets…….Not Twins





3 thoughts on “Triplets…….Not Twins!

      1. Amazing that the little dude made it through the night all alone…..that really was a miracle!
        Tonight he is beating up on his siblings in the barn.

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