Tree Frog Rescue…and other stuff…

Tree Frog Rescue…and other stuff…

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I suppose this post is really about a recent surgical procedure…..

But…..hands up for anyone who has had a TEE?…..(trans-esophageal echo-cardiogram)…..(no wonder they call it a TEE)…..

***This Site Explains A TEE—With Pictures***

…..but that’s not what’s interesting…..

… day and prep for this procedure started out late and not on schedule…..


…..because a rescue was necessary for a little-itty-bitty-vibrant-green tree frog…..

…..who was in the house…..

…..multiple house cats were in hot pursuit…..

…..(I love my cats…..but I hate how they play with & torture their prey &/or live play-things)…..

Copernicus…..let the cat out of the bag(?)…..(ha!)…..

… growling as he ran past me…..out of the kitchen…..and down the hallway…..


I wouldn’t have noticed…..had it not been for his dramatic growling & running…..

So…..I was immediately in hot pursuit… were the rest of the cats…..

…..launching over the hounds and around the furniture…..behind the toilet…..and laps around the bath tub…..

…..I’ve learned to have weapons in these situations…..

…..(FYI—an industrial hand-sprayer is best for long-range accuracy and water-soak-ability)…..

Our regular aerobic-exercise routine ensued… chasing the cats…..(with Copernicus in the lead)…..the Wolfhounds scattering…..
… cursing…..Copernicus growling… Zep sprayer well-hydrating everybody…..
…..(all before the sun came up)…..
I could still see a dust-bunny-engulfed-tree-frog in Copernicus’ mouth…..

…..the chase had to continue until somebody won…..

But this poor little tree frog…..

I don’t know HOW it got in the house…..

… was wrinkly…..and dehydrated…..and totally covered by a dust-bunny…..
…..(a direct reflection of my housekeeping…..I know…..)…..

Long story short…..

…..I cornered Copernicus behind the toilet…..

…..I wedged the sweet little green frog out of his jaws…..

…..I checked him over…..(no holes)…..then dunked him in the sink…..

After that…..I put the little hopper outside…..where he was safe(er)…..

And then…..I had to make up for the lost time…..sprinting to get to my appointment…..

… that I could swallow an optic cable… take pictures of my heart and lungs…..


I love when the doctors tell you to relax…..


#irishwolfhound, #doctor, #cat,
#tee, #trans-esophagealechocardiogram, #zepsprayers, #treefrog,

One thought on “Tree Frog Rescue…and other stuff…

  1. Good luck on your TEE. I removed a lifeless regurgitated adorable little green tree frog from the kitchen early yesterday morning.😞. Not sure which culprit of the usual suspects it was, however, it was swallowed whole.

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