***Tractor Skills***

***Tractor Skills***

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Anja is my younger daughter’s therapy horse…..

Norwegian Fjord horses can be wonderful in that capacity…..


They are strong…..compact…..not super tall…..and very kind…..

…………………and patient as the day is long…………………


My daughter’s previous horse was a Fjord too…..and Sonja was equally sweet…..

We have been allowing Anja to stay in the front yard rather than in the back pasture…..

Sneaky/Conniving  Anja

…..that way my daughter can hang out with her horse more often…..

…..and I can keep an eye on both of them…..

Chunky Anja

…..the hitching post is right outside the dining room window…..

………….isn’t everyone’s(?)………….

Necessarily, I had to put Anja’s round bale in the front yard too…..

Anja likes to scratch herself on the bale and wallow in the dropped hay…..

…..so to keep the mess to a minimum…..

…..I brought the round bale cradle up from her back pasture…..

Using the bale spear made the transferral much easier…..

There’s a bit of skill required to (carefully) negotiate the aerially-suspended metal cradle over fences…..through gates…..and past parked cars…..(phew)…..

…..and then pick up a round bale and (carefully) place (not drop) it in the cradle…..

It’s all about depth perception…..(remember I only have one working eye)…..

…..the bale completely blocks your view as you’re approaching the cradle anyway…..

You have to raise the bale high enough to clear the edge…..

…..then tip it enough so the hay slides off the spear…..

…..but not so much to make it fall into the cradle sideways……

…..(if that happens the hay can be easily dragged off & wasted)…..

Once the bale is “mostly” off the spear…..

Hay Spear Attachment

…..you have to back up  &  pull out the spear…..

…..but not pull the bale (and the cradle) back with you…..

…..all the while dropping it (gently) EXACTLY where you want it…..HA!…..


………………..Bob’s Your Uncle…………………

…..(btw…..Uncle Bob doesn’t have a clue how to drive a tractor)…..

Uncle Bob

…..(keep him away from the tractor at all cost)…..







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