To Every Season…..

To Every Season…..

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*****(The Byrds—Turn! Turn! Turn!)*****

…..(apropos nothing…but I was a freshman in high school when that song came out)…..

But I digress…..

There are Seasons for everything…..

There are Seasons for Locusts…..

There are Seasons for Cicadas…..

…..and Monarch Butterflies…..

All sorts of scheduled and timed critters…..

But currently…we are finding ourselves knee-deep in Palmetto Bugs…..

…Cicada shell…

I would much rather hear the drone of the busy Cicada…creating relaxing white noise…while I drift off to sleep at night….

Or watching the pretty patterns of the Monarch butterflies…flitting through the air…buffeting in a soft summer breeze…..

…..(a Seals & Croft song comes to mind)…..

*****(Summer Breeze)*****

But instead………….

…..what do we currently have?…..

~~~~~The Season Of The Cockroach~~~~~

…..well…more specifically…the Palmetto Bug…..

I don’t know why…but they’re horrible…and they’re everywhere…..

…..they fall on our heads…they crawl up our pant legs…..

You can hear them scuttling across the ceiling or on the tile floor after you turn off the lights at night…..

…..(what I wouldn’t give for a nice cicada lullaby)…..

My older daughter took on the assault of the clattering bugs…..

She armed herself with Boric Acid…as well as an array of other pesticides…and went on the offensive…..

The aftermath on the “battlefield” was impressive…..

Dead carcasses of palmetto bugs…were everywhere…crunching underfoot…..

No longer were they tickling our nostrils with their antennae while we were trying to fall asleep at night…..

… they were dried hulls…that you had to navigate around in the hallways and the door jambs…..

The carnage was mind-boggling.

I have lived in Florida since the 1970’s…and I have NEVER seen this many palmetto bugs…..

This is definitely a high tide mark for their crunchy crustacean-like remains…..

I don’t understand why…but this year has got to be marked in the calendars as…..

*****The Year Of The Cockroach Invasion*****

…..Disgusting………….but True…..






#terminix #

#dcon #raidbugspray #entomology #bugspray #nylar #permethrin #bifenthrin

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