To Every Season…

To Every Season…

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Spring’s around the corner…(it’s actually already here)…(temperatures are regularly getting up into the 80’sF)…..

My eldest’s Birthday is just around the corner, too…..

…..she’s going to Nashville to celebrate with her childhood friend…..

…..(she’s going to freeze her butt off up there)…..

But…where has the time flown?…..

I still remember them both growing up…tumbling off of Josie (our donkey then)…and later…various horses…..

…..and dumping each other out of wheelbarrows…or hanging out of the hayloft…..

…..or running through the swamp…..

Geez…maybe I shouldn’t write anymore…it’s sounding like my parenting-skills were lacking…..

…..but they both learned how to tuck-and-roll…plus now…they can identify a good snake from a bad snake…better than most…..

…Black Racer snake…(good snake)…

…..(hmmmmm…they’ll let anybody be parents…won’t they?)…..

…..Hey…I remember…as a child…going back into Penitentiary Gulley alone…with just my cousin…BettyJo-Bob…..

…..(Back then…Penitentiary Glen, Ohio was Penitentiary Gulley…potato/potato…(that makes no sense in writing)…..

That was OUR playground………….(some playground!)…..

While we were back there…we honed our balance…rappelling-skills…along with spider-monkey-clinging-abilities…..

…..we left blown-out flip-flops in our wake…along with torn toenails…& enough blood and DNA to be re-cloned several times over…..

…..and no one questioned OUR parent’s parenting back then(?)…..

…..And Look How We Turned Out…(a little twitchy…but generally okay)…..

…..Good Times…Good Times…..

So…dropping a couple tweens occasionally from a Clydesdale or two wasn’t that bad…right?…..

…..(maybe I should prudently stop this line of writing)…(it’s incriminating)…..

Gee…I hope my daughter has fun in Nashville!………….and What About Them Bolts!…huh?……

…..(NHL Tampa Bay Lightening)…..

I’m sure my daughter will have a blast in Tennessee…..

…..but she has no decent coat…..

…..(Florida winter clothes are all made to “look warm”…but not “be warm”)…(otherwise we’d have no seasonal-fashion changes)…..

I’m sure they’ll be fine…they’re both adults now…..

…..(this parenting-thing sucks)…..

…..(it doesn’t ever turn off…and it didn’t come with directions)…..

…..and I’m sorry you both were dropped on your heads here a few times…..

Happy Birthday to both of you…Have Fun!…..





#lakecountyohio #thirtyyearsold #

#lakemetroparks #clevelandhistorical #hallefarm #chardonohio #hallebrotherscompany #penitentiarygulch

#nhl #nationalhockeyleague #tampabaylightening #ohio #penitentiaryglen #kirtlandohio #thirtiethbirthday

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