***To Bee or not To Bee***

***To Bee or not To Bee***

It’s that time of year…..well not quite yet…..

…..but soon…..

Do I?………….Or Don’t I?…..start up my hives…..?…..


Sad Bee Hive Debris…..(sigh)…

If you remember…..last year I had a lot of false starts…..

I was just about to buy the start-up honey bee nucs…..

…..and then the Covid-19 Pandemic hit…..

…..and the murder hornets arrived (on the U.S.’s west coast)-(and as far as I know they aren’t here on the east coast…..yet)…..

…..I tried…..I got delayed…..I tried some more…..it got too hot…..I gave up…..

…..but this year…..?…..hmmmmm…..

There’s a whole new set of possibilities…..(Tra! La!)…..

I’ve still got the equipment…..

The New Bee Hive Location In The Goat Pasture…..(it’s higher & drier)…

I have the new and improved decking…..

It was constructed…..

…..so I can wage a more successful battle against the carpenter ants and the other invasive/creepy crawlies…..

The Old Location vs. The New Location…

…..I can now better serve my beasles’ needs…..

…..(the goats just love the decking)…..

…..(Note To Self:  you need to fence the hives off from the goatie-darlings like you did at the last location)…..

…..last year…there were no nucs available to purchase anywhere…(?)…..

…..and I don’t really know why…..(?)…..

But this is a new Springtime…..

…..the honey bees are busy working away pollinating all of the citrus-bloom in the area…..

…..(and as soon as that bloom is finished…..nucs will (should) be available for people like me to purchase)…..

~~~What’s A Nuc?~~~

I may just wander out onto the local bee farms and talk to the workers directly…..

…..(by that I mean the human-workers…..not the worker-bees)…..

…..(they know more about what’s going on anyway)…..

I’ll buy my nucs from the field workers…..and then…..I’ll run…..

Hey…..don’t judge me…..

There are always multiple ways to get things accomplished…..

Goats & Pigs

…..(But First…..I DO need to get the goats off of my bee’s decking)…..

Tra!  La!






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