*****Back In Black*****

I’ve started a Tick Tock channel…..

…..it was my older daughter’s idea…..

…..(for those of you who want to find it)…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMemVJE27/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~(everybody told me the above link does NOT work)~~~~~~~

*****Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*****

…..she helps me to be “cool” in today’s age of social-media….

…..who would have thought that sixty seconds and a tune would have ever been so catchy?…..

…..or how would I have ever known that “Chungus” just means a fat Bugs Bunny?…..

…..well…..I just wouldn’t have…..now would I?…..

I’m an old “Boomer” in today’s generational wars…..

…..I’m a true-blue “Boomer”…through and through…..

…..I still know how to dial a rotary phone…(with a pencil eraser)……

…..and I’ve eaten enough Jello 1-2-3 that my innards are probably eternally coated in plastic…(remember that stuff?)…*****Jello 1-2-3*****

…..plus I can sing the theme song to Mr. Ed…..(all choruses)…..

…..I don’t have a chance at being hip &/or rad &/or dope now-a-days…..

…..I’ve had my chance at coolness…..

HOWEVER…..my daughter has recently set me up on a Tick Tock-thingie…..

…..she even gave me a tutorial on how to make them…..

…..(she had to repeat it)…..

…..(she had to repeat it, again)…..

…..(I still don’t remember how to get there from here)…..

…..she says my choice of music…..

*****…………………………..is not current…………………………..*****


…..now I ask you…..

(Blood Moon~2019)

…..does “Dark Side Of The Moon” ever go out of fashion?…..

*****Dark Side Of The Moon*****

!WARNING!…..(Here Comes A Rant!)…..!


…..and what about ZZ Top’s “La Grange”?…..


So I will continue with my Tick Tock (when I find it again)…..

AND…..I will continue with my retro-non-current-Boomer-music…..as the accompaniment to my new Tick-Tock-shtick…..


…..to all of you Gen-Z’s and Millennial’s out there…..

…………………………….You’re Welcome…………………………….

*****ZZ Top—La Grange*****







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