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I think it’s become vogue again…..

I’ve always been comfortable buying used things…..

Used to someone else is new to me…..

Shopping at second-hand shops has even created it’s own verb now—It’s called “Thrifting”—and I like it…..

…..there are the obvious things you should avoid…that goes without mention…if it seems weird…don’t touch it…or at least wait for a reaction after poking it with a $0.35 unmatched fork…..

But for the most part…there are some really cool things that can be found at “thrift shops”…plus it’s great entertainment…all the while helping the budget…..

As my older daughter just said…you have to go with an open mind…and a sense of humor…..

She has a friend who she “thrifts” with regularly…..

She said that sometimes they camp out at the tee-shirt rack…and just go through the line-up…and read the slogans…..

They have a laugh wondering how on earth some of these shirts would ever have been purchased…much less worn…..

She was considering purchasing a marathon race tee shirt…just to make people wonder if she actually ran in it or not…..

I like kitschy home decorations…I don’t necessarily want things to match…I prefer things that are worn and old…with “personality”…..

It’s amazing what I’ve found…old dark wood monstrosities to someone else…are wonderful antique solid wood dressers and wardrobes to me…things right out of “The Chronicles of Narnia”…..

…..(which reminds me…I need to put up my solar street light in the back swamp…but that’ll be a post for another time)…..

And I absolutely abhor MDF composite wood…(which everything seems to be made out of these days)…..

So a good thrift shop is the place for me…..

If I open a drawer and it has dove-tail joints…it’s mine…..

I need to learn how to refinish and restore some of the pieces (especially veneer)…I think it’s worth it…they have so much history…..

*****Here’s A Pet-Peeve*****

*****Hey!  Everybody:  What’s Wrong With Using Drink Coasters These Days!?!*****

…..Everybody Should!…Water Marks Are The Worst!…..

Years ago we got a big/huge dining room table (with extra leaves and fold down ends)…it was so inexpensive…I felt guilty buying it…..

The wood was dark and beautiful…it was dusty and ignored in the shop’s corner…the salesman said that large dining room tables were considered dinosaurs and no one wanted them anymore…..

People prefer snacking on quick meals while sitting on stools at their kitchen counters…..

Well I wanted the behemoth table…and it’s found a home with us…and here it will stay…..

I love living my mis-matched life………….it works for me…..






#woodrefinishing #veneer #veneerrepair #antiquewoodfurniture #

#goodwill #salvationarmy #redcross #thriftshops #thrifting #woodveneer

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