~~~This Summer’s Drought~~~

~~~This Summer’s Drought~~~

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Here’s a fun little fact about humid sub-tropical climates…(and probably tropical ones too)…..

*****(Where Are The Sub-Tropics?)*****

When there’s not enough moisture in the air or the ground (how is that EVER possible in a Swamp?)…..

…..then the assortment of small (and LARGE) crawling things…slither and clatter out of their hidey-holes and attempt to come into your house (by whatever means necessary)…to get more water…..

*****(Bugs Need A Drink Too)*****

And…there’s been an on-going drought in our little area of sub-tropical Florida for the past months…..

At first it was celebrated…(Yippee)…the swamp isn’t soggy…(Yippee)…Wellington boots (and accompanying calf-chafe) isn’t the norm this summer…..

…..but then………….you start to worry….

It’s been unusually dry here…..

Normally at this time of year…Everything is slippery with algae…cracked dryness is not the issue…..

I’m sure Mother Nature has her plan…I don’t presume to know what it is……

I mean…Hurricanes are twirling & dancing away…as per usual…..

We’ve been the lucky ones…Mother Nature has deemed that this year (so far) a number of the storms will stay out in the Atlantic…and travel in circles…or up North…..

But…the 2023 Hurricane Season isn’t over yet…..

…..and that Fat Lady doesn’t sing until the end of next month…..

*************While In The Mean Time*************

…..the creepy-crawly things are thirsty…..

It’s at these times that I realize that plumbing works both ways…..

*****(Cockroaches & the Drought)*****

…..we have a herd of cockroaches coming up through the shower drain…for moisture…..

To the chicken’s delight…the palmetto bugs are coming out from under the leaves…looking for drinks too…..

…..while the bugs (who are outside) are dispatched quickly by the hens…..

…..the big bugs (inside)…are safer and better hydrated…..

I snapped these pictures…right before “trying” to fall asleep the other night…..

Seeing one of the biggest palmetto bugs I’ve ever seen in my life…scurrying across the wall…in my bedroom…..

…..really didn’t add to my ability to drift off into relaxed/restful Dreamland…..

…..(where’s a chicken when you need one)…..

We’ve taken to leaving the garage door open for a couple hours a day…to let the chickens in…so they can clear out the over-load of scuttling bugs…..

…..watching a chicken run away happily with bug-legs dangling from her beak…is quite gratifying in a weirdly-morose way…..

…..(but that’s a subject for the Psychologists)…..

I was just thinking…at least we don’t have a profusion of ants (YET)…just an overload of palmetto bugs…..

…..Absolutely Everywhere…..

See………….I’m trying to make lemonade…..


#dconbugspray #raidbugspray #trulynolan #floridaboardoftourism #

#2023hurricaneseason #floridahurricanes #palmettobugs #cockroaches #drought #nothernature

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