***This Old House***

***This Old House***

It’s that proverbial fixer-upper.

Usually…..where this house is concerned…..

…..it feels like one step forward…..two steps back…..

We moved here (almost thirty years ago) with the intention of fixing it up…..

…..and that’s just what we’ve been doing ever since…..

But hey…..

…..what other people call a raze-able/leaky hovel…..

…..we call our cozy/little “home”…..

…..and we will continue to fix up the ole’ girl…..

…..even though sometimes she seems more like a slavering/rabid/all-consuming beast…..

Our most recent “project” was the internal door on the chicken coop…..

For some reason…..this house was built with a little/sliding-glass door off of the bedroom’s bathroom…..(?)

…..there was a little/walled-in porch outside the glass door…..

…..it seemed silly…..with no real purpose when we first moved in…..

…..so I had a roof added to the top and a trap door with a ramp added to the side…..

…..and voila!…..

~~~~~A Chicken Coop!~~~~~

Recently that little sliding-glass door began to sigh and die with age…..

I believe the house was built in 1980…..

…..and let’s face it…..

…..EVERYTHING has sagged since the ’80’s…..

…..the door’s track was badly dented & corroded…..and the actual aluminum-frame around the glass started pulling apart…..

…..I had to use a crowbar to wedge it open…..

…..and then sit on the floor…..braced against the tile…..

…..to push the door shut with my foot…..

…..(it made me dread feeding the chickens and picking up their eggs)…..

…..it got to the point that I couldn’t even get into the coop…..

Eggs We Had To Throw Away…We Didn’t Know How Old They Were…(the crows loved them)…

Enter good ole’/reliable Jimmy Billy and his team…..

…..we bought a regular door…..with a glass center…..

The New Chicken Coop Door

…..Jimmy Billy (et al) framed that sucker in for us…..

The chickens can still watch us through the door…..(in the bathroom)…..

…..(which seems to be important to them)…..

…..(I’ve discovered…..all poultry seem to be inherent voyeurs)…..

…..(it’s creepy)…..

…..now…..I can quickly and easily go in and out the coop door…..

Mrs. Chungus

…..no crow bar or rabbit kicks required…..

…..life is good once again…..

…..and there is one less “To-Do” on this house’s eternal-list of projects to complete…..

…..(and the chickens can once again line up to watch us shower)…..

…..(I do, however, worry about encouraging the chickens to be Peeping-Toms)…..

…..(they’ve even taught the ducks to be creepers)…..







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