Things Run In Threes…

Things Run In Threes…

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I’ve heard that expression all my life…that things run in threes…..

I don’t know how or why it ever got started…..

But more times than not…it’s accurate…..

…..sometimes…more than accurate…when the “three’s” become “four’s”…or “five’s”….

And recently that’s become the case…..

First it was the old oven…(but it fortunately allowed us to limp through Thanksgiving)…..

Then it was the clothes dryer…pure & simple…it stopped drying…and started making a burning smell…..

We were able to find some really nice (we’re not picky) replacements that were “gently used” on Facebook Marketplace…..

…..(FYI—when other people say “gently used”…they appear to mean it)—(if we say “gently used”…it’s a lie…it means it was rode hard…put up wet…and bashed beyond recognition)…..

… there’s that…..

But we’re very happy with our new appliances…but then we discovered soupy ice cream in our kitchen refrigerator freezer…..

And we’re fairly sure…we all got some degree of low-grade food poisoning…but it happened so fast…..

…..those unseen germy-wonders are quick little boogers…..

While all of our appliances were dropping like flies…my older daughter was getting incensed…..

Where the burning dryer was beyond salvaging…and the circuit board of the oven was way above our pay-grade…..

… daughter felt the refrigerator was another issue…and a potential learning curve…so she dove right in…..

…..(it was a little frightening)…(but where my older daughter is concerned)…(you CAN NOT show fear)…(don’t make eye-contact)…(and back away slowly)…..

…..just saying…..

She had that unsuspecting overly-warm refrigerator pulled out…unplugged…wrestled down and dissected…before my younger daughter and I knew what was happening…..

YouTuber’s became her new informative best friends…..

She transformed into a connoisseur of evaporator fan motors…..

If you held still long enough…your ohm-resistance was checked by inappropriately placed multi-meter probes…..

My younger daughter and I now can recite the correct temperature ranges for food storage in both the freezer and the fridge sections…plus we can tell you the appropriate cycling for a defrost timer…..

~~~All Of These Things Have Been Checked~~~Probed~~~And (where necessary) Replaced~~~

And the end result?…..

Our refrigerator wouldn’t Dare Not Run Smoothly & Efficiently for the next half century…..(at least)…..

***(Few if any photos of the multi-day event have been recorded for posterity)***

…..(honestly—because we were just too afraid to move and/or attract attention)…..

***(and BTW—our tractor recently crapped out——-my older daughter has it in her sights)…..

She’s planning to tackle our unsuspecting Mahindra next…..

I’ve over-heard her mumbling about appropriate ratchet-wrench attachments and poor engine design…..

*****Remember…no sudden movements…and back away slowly*****


****(Here’s a question—Why is there a “d” in fridge and not one in refrigerator?…just wondering?)***




#bureauofenergyefficiency #mahindra #evaporatorcoil #multimeter #defrosttimer #evaporatorfanmotor

#frigidaire #cafe #lg #geappliances #whirlpool #kitchenaid #bosch #insignia #subzero #samsung #

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