They’ve Moved On

They’ve Moved On

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It appears our Congress has moved on…..

It appears that we have been rejected as a suitable roost…..

Wow…to be dis’d by vultures………….now that speaks volumes…..

I think my feelings are hurt…..

…..maybe…the fact that the Wolfhounds ate one…..

…..maybe that could be a driving force for their decision to relocate…..

…..(I think it would make me consider moving too)…..

…..(but come on…every hostess makes mistakes…using the wrong fork…talking with your mouth full…eating a guest…)……

One or more of our Irish Wolfhounds…ate a Black Vulture…..

I know because I found a wing…(well part of a wing)—(plus Val had a black feather stuck on her chin)…..

…..the wing’s schematics didn’t match a chicken’s…it was too big for a crow’s…..

…..not looking too good for the vultures…..

When I found the feathered wing…it had been…detached…for a few days…..

I’m a little sad that I can mark the timing of something’s demise so succinctly…..

…..but I’ve had years of experience doing just that…..

My older daughter and I took the wing away from the bounding puppy…walked the back yard…looking for any other vulture-remains…..

…..and found…..


We hadn’t noticed when it originally happened…(usually we are keyed in to the kerfuffle of a conflict)…..

…..and in this situation…we heard nothin’…no evidence of any pack behavior…no snapping…no snarling…..


So…when DID it happen?….

…..I have no idea…..

I’m almost 100% sure it’s an X-vulture…because about a week earlier…I’d seen two vultures standing in the backyard…(when the hounds were inside)…..

I’d made a mental note it was not a good choice for the birds to attempt a take-over of the backyard…..

…..the hounds are possessive…and well…there’s a pack of them…..

I think both vultures and hounds consider themselves in the predator-category…(not so much the vultures…they’re more the cleanup-crew)…but you get the idea…..

…..and there in lies the rub…..

…..a vulture was eaten…..

…..The Congress Met…no hanging-effigy was necessary to discourage the vultures…(because the Wolfhounds ate it)…..

…..and the flock deemed us Inhospitable…and moved on…(sigh)…..

…..damned hounds…..

…..I liked the vultures…..

I should make a tee-shirt………….”Not Suitable For Vultures“…..

…..(I think I like that too)…(I’m quite sure I do)…..



………….(note to self:  now you need to worm all the hounds)………….






#americangovernment #congressofvultures #wormers #safeguard

#irishwolfhounds #blackvultures #vultures #parasites #wormers #uscongress

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