There’s Good News & There’s Bad News

There’s Good News & There’s Bad News

Here’s the Good News…

Look what I found!!!…….!!!

I had looked and sorted through the clumpy/soggy leaves for a few days after blowing off the house roof…….

I knew my earring was somewhere under all of those heaps of wet leaves…

I knew it was somewhere under a certain area of roof…..but, where…?

I did some semi-organized searches on several different occasions…….

…..but to no avail…….

… was daunting…….

My stubbornness told me that if I went out with a bucket and slowly went through ALL of the flora that was strewn on the ground…..that I would eventually find it…….

…..unless a chicken or a raccoon or a crow snagged it as one of their bright sparklies…

…..yesterday I went out to start another search using a bucket-brigade-type technique with personalized hand-sifting…….

AND THERE IT WAS…….???…….!!!…

Right on top of the composted-chaos!…

Wow!?!                      Go figure…..?

I didn’t ask any questions…..I just said…Thank You…

Now, I can look pretty again!

****************so that’s the Good News*****************

Here’s the Bad News…….

Today is the official start of the 2020 Hurricane Season…….


…..Whooptie Doo…..!

… stomach-lining has only just recovered from last year…..

…..I’ve heard it’s going to be a bumpy ride this season…..

…’d think by my age, and the amount of years I’ve lived in Florida, that I’d be more seasoned at this…..

…’d think…..

… stomach just lurched…..

…..I’ll go make sure we have ample throw-up bags to last through this season…..





2 thoughts on “There’s Good News & There’s Bad News

  1. I’m glad that you found your earring!!
    Relax…weather guys are more wrong than right.

    1. I hope you’re right…..there’s already “Cristobal” down in the Bay of Campeche. Remember when we ran through the alphabet and started on the Greek alphabet? Fun times.

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