~~~There Was A Wedding~~~

~~~There Was A Wedding~~~

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A few days ago…..

…..my daughters and I went to a wedding…..it was held in a barn…..

(The Official Photographer Staging A Picture)

A good/good friend of my older daughter was getting married…..my daughter was in the bridal party…..

…..no detail was over-looked…..all kinds of events and tastings and trinkets proceeded the actual event…..

~~~~~The Entire Wedding Event…..was a marathon…..not a sprint~~~~~

…..there were fittings…..and showers…..and bachelorette night…..and hair…..and make-up…..and limos…..

I was exhausted just watching it all unfold…..

…..on the day “of”…..we drove an hour to the appropriate barn-venue…..

…..(I’d offered our barn)…..(I even offered to lend everyone Wellington boots to deal with the mud and manure)…..

…..(I figured the cobwebs would be an artistic backdrop)…..

…..but the bride-to-be opted for a pristine/wunder-barn up the road…..(sans cobwebs & mud)…..(and odor)…..

…..(but our barn wins in the “unique-character” category hands down)…..

My younger daughter and I tried to stay out of the way until the ceremony in the afternoon…..

…..everything was so well-organized…..

Of course the Matron of Honor (being the Bride’s older sister…..AND the wedding planner)…..and the Bride…..

…..got “into it” several times…..

…..there were monkey-bites and tears all ’round…..but ultimately no punches were thrown…..

…..(that’s always a good thing)…..

The heirloom pearls decided to break…..

…..(but I’d thrown in a needle and some thread…..and we “sewed” the necklace on the bride)…..(no pearls were lost)…..

AND the florist delivered the wedding party’s boutonnieres and bouquets……..except……..

…..they were plastic…..

More tears and monkey-bites…and the florist drove away and wouldn’t return any calls(!?!)…..

…..my daughters and I had the reasonable reaction…..(we hid)…..

But you know what…..?…..

Everything got handled…..

…..the wedding occurred…..on time…..

There was dancing and feasting…..and a good time was had by all…..

…(not plastic)…(and taken from the centerpieces)…

And now…..Mister and Missus are happily on their honeymoon…..

…..and life cranks on…..plastic flowers and all…..

(Small pond near the altar…with electric fencing around it…to keep people out…and keep gators in…)  I Kid You Not!  HA!





#alligator #wedding #plasticflowers #boutoniere #bouquets #monkeys

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