

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

My younger daughter just finished gnawing on a left-over porkroast-bone for breakfast…..

…..Hey…..don’t judge…..

…..breakfast can come in many forms…..

But we had a brief discussion after she had finished polishing the bone…..

……if she were to put it into the “pig pot” (which is a small/stainless-steel pail in the sink), that’s there for spoiled food (apple cores…potato peels…that sort of thing)…..

…..then the house cats would (reliably) fish it out…..

Prosecco, Copernicus, Kahlua, DaVinci & Neil

…..and then smear its greasiness all over the kitchen counter…..

…..then sooner or later…..drop it on the floor…..

…..at which time…..the hounds would snag it…..

…..gnaw the bone to pieces…..

…..and subsequently have their turn at smearing its greasiness all over the kitchen floor…..

…..then after waiting a few hours…..

…..we would be re-visited by cats spewing and/or hounds hurling…..

…..the cats have a magnetism towards up-chucking on the nearest/cleanest bed quilt…..

…..while the hounds prefer retching in your shoes…..

…..or more recently producing a puke-promenade down the hallway…..

…..you know…..

…..why pick one place to throw-up…..when you can just as easily create multiple hazardous-waste piles…..

So my younger daughter and I pondered this (guaranteed) probable-sequence-of-events…..

…..and we opted for just throwing out the bone…..

…..in the trash can…..

…..in the garage…..

…..where there wasn’t a chance of any of the household furries creating greasy-messiness or other digestive-disorders…..


And the day begins…..

…..with many other (never-trivial) choices to be made…..

Tra!  La!…






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