The Well Head ~~~ (re-visited)

The Well Head ~~~ (re-visited)

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Thar She Blows!…..

Even though we are over thirty-five miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico…..

…..we have our very own whale breaching in the back yard…..

…..a huge spewing geyser…..

There are pretty rainbows all over the back yard when the sun shines through the cascading water…..

I’m sure it’s very stressful for the well’s pump motor…..

It’s yet again…..another leak…..

…..a veritable geyser…..

…..with a new crack… the exact same place…..(?)…..

It makes no sense…..the juncture was well-secured…..the PVC crack looked exactly the same as the last one…..(?)…..

Before…..we blamed the first leak’s brittleness on sun-damage over the years…..

…..but I doubt the sun had much of an opportunity to damage this new piping within a month…..(?)…..

Plus in the middle of all this…..there was a special-water-pump-pressure-switch that decided to stick…..

…..(and that was unceremoniously replaced)…..

But why all of these pump-maintenance-repair issues?

It’s a weird/soggy coincidence…..

The need for a “Water Hammer” was discussed…..(?)…..

***What The !@#$%$#@! Is A Water Hammer?***

…..but then was deemed unnecessary…..(?)…..

All of this necessitated an emergency repair………….at midnight…..

But everything was ultimately fixed…..all we have to do now is wrap the newly replaced PVC with black tape…..

…..and…..Bob’s your Uncle…..

(Uncle Bob)…

…..(Bob…..did it have to be at midnight?…..)…..


… least we can flush the toilets again…..






#waterhammer #waterpump #pvc #well #wellhead #wellpumpleak #geyser

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