The Well-Head…

The Well-Head…

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Sounds ominous…..?…..

……doesn’t it…..?…..

To put it mildly…..if your well-head isn’t happy…..ain’t nobody happy…..

Given a choice…..I’d rather have my own well-water rather than processed-city-water…..

For the last thirty years…..we’ve had our own well-water…..

We are on our second well here on this property…..

……it’s had to do with the “water-wars”…..”over-pumping”…..”over-development”…..

…..and the limited/precious commodity of fresh/clean/drinking water…..

Mostly we’ve had a great water source…..

…..a deep…..deep well……

Well except for that one time…..

…..a draft horse decided to rub her butt on the well-head to scratch an itch…..

(…not one of our horses…..but you get the idea…)

…..she relieved her itch…..but broke the well’s corresponding PVC piping…..

…..(we built a fence around it after that)…..(problem solved)…..

And then there was the time my spousal-unit ran over the entirety of the well-head with the tractor…..

…..(just how does someone do that?)…..

…..and now…..he doesn’t remember it ever happening…..(?)…..


Fast-forward to the present…..

…..the PVC “decided” to rupture (again) from sun-damage…..sun-exposure…..and/or just too-much-sun…..(?)…..

…..(apparently white PVC is very sensitive to the sun and needs to be covered/painted/or basic TLC)…..(?)…..

Who knew…..?…..Did You…..?…..I Didn’t…..!…..

But What Ensued…..?…..(you may well ask)…..


Lots…..and lots…..and lots…..of spewing water…..

…..lots of it…..

…..we had to turn off the well for days…..

Mister Magic Mike came to our rescue…..he fixes lots of other stuff for us too…..

… might all have been fixed sooner…..if it weren’t for the fact that we needed 2 1/4″ diameter PVC rather than 2 1/2″…..(which is what we bought)…..

However…..Mister Mike ultimately fixed our well…..

…’s no longer spewing…..

PLUS…’s now wrapped in black/duct tape…..

…..(to protect it from the sun)…..

AND…..we have the ability to take long/luxurious showers once again…..

…..they are absolutely necessarily and delicious…..

*****Isn’t Home Ownership Grande?*****





#pvc, #waterbottle, #wellhead, #spf,

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