The Tower

The Tower

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It’s been a battle…..

It’s been a Big…Big…On-Going Battle…..

…..but I think it’s over…..

I mentioned in earlier posts that a contingency of our local neighbors and my family have been opposing the placement & construction of a 5-G cell phone tower in our neighborhood…..

…..smack-dab behind us…..

Don’t get me wrong…I understand the need for cell phones…I do…..

I have one………….(when I can find it—cracked screen and all)…..

My older daughter put training-wheels on it for me…screen protector…leather reinforced cover…large font…instructions with pictures…..

I’ve been instructed by my daughters to keep it on my person when I’m riding…so they can find me…when my horse returns home without me…..

We have an old red rotary phone in the garage…along with our main landline…..

But last August…all of our neighbors were notified that a cell phone tower was going in on a property right behind us…..

…..some of my neighbors would have it constructed within less than 100′ from their front porch(?)…..

The people who own the proposed property live out of state…it is their property after all…but we’re the ones who would have to live with the tower in our armpit day-in…and day-out…..

I discovered over this past year…that a number of our neighbors have terrier-tendencies…just like my family…..

…..we latch onto a problem…and shake it…and we don’t let go…..

We attended County Commissioner meeting…after County Commissioner meeting…after County Commissioner meeting…..

…..we were always scheduled on the docket in the next to last (or last) position to be discussed…..

…..Candy Crush (on silent) was my friend…..

We got to the point where we brought in extra jackets and blankets for the freezing assembly room and the hard benches…(we were just short of wheeling in an ice chest)…..

We discovered that you CAN NOT use health concerns as an argument against a tower’s placement…..

…..WHY THE @#$%^%$#@ NOT!!?!!…..


*****(The Telecommunications Act Of 1996—(Is A Load of Bull @#$%@)—you can read about it here if you’d like)*****

Human health concerns…animal health concerns…the eradication of honey bees(?)…..

…..Nope!…those aren’t considered valid reasons against a cell tower placement…..

Nope…you can’t oppose the placement of a cell phone tower because of those topics(???)…..

Why Not!?!?!…..

You have to argue about nebulas points like—“it’s not compatible with the surrounding area”—or—“does it help or hinder property values(?)”…..

For every reference & research we cited…”they” (Verizon) had “experts”(?) citing the opposite…..

It was obvious there were local government games being played…like…our letters of protest were not being put into the public record (because we didn’t specifically ask for each one to be “put into the public record”)…..

Some of the Commissioners looked sympathetic and bitch-slapped at times…but…a couple looked like they would “benefit” from the tower’s placement and they still had crumbs at the corners of their mouths…(from their hands in the cookie jar)…..

My older daughter used the “oppositions” own maps and data against them…the supportive Commissioners used the literature to support their argument against the opportunistic tower-placement…..

And Finally…One Year Later————-the Commissioners voted 3 to 2 against the tower’s proposed site…..

It was a long long up hill battle…but it was worth it…..

I’m sure in time…we will acknowledge the deleterious health affects of living near cellphone towers…and protections will be put in place…..

But for now…it’s the Wild West of EMP exposure…..

…..I came home exhausted…in disbelief…and took a long nap…..

…..and then I called my “bee-contact” and ordered two honey bee nucs…..

I intend to re-populate my honey bee hives again…..

In closing…I would like to say…I know cellphone towers are necessary and here to stay…BUT…more safeguards need to be acknowledged & required & put in place…..

There………….I’ve said my peace…..

I’m looking forward to sitting with my honey bees again…..







#electromagneticpulse #emp #honeybees

#apiary #verizon #cellphonetower #telecommunicationsact #countycommissioners

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