~~~The Thirteenth~~~

~~~The Thirteenth~~~

Superstition Mountain

It’s Today…..

…..so keep an eye on…..

…..open ladders…..

Ladder…..In The Rain…..Plus An Electrical Cord…..(what could possibly go wrong?)

…..and black cats…..

Sam & Archimedes

…..and cracks in sidewalks…..(I do have bad arthritis in my lower back)…..

…..(I need to have a chat with my daughters)…..

Superstitions are different in different countries…..

Here’s what goes on in Italy…..

***Black Cats Are Good Luck***

…..(Sam & Neil—if things ever get tough here…..then arrivederci, boys)…..

***Cats By Country***

I’m superstitious as all get out…..but Friday the Thirteenth has never been a problem…..

…..if anything…..

…..good things have come to me on those Fridays…..

But…..I’m super superstitious about bodacious lightening/electrical storms…..

…..and we DO get some SUPER-D-DOOPER lightening storms here in our area…..

…..I have had umbrellas jump out of my hands…..

…..(yes, I have)…..

…..(I think it was that pointy/metal thing attached to the metal shaft in the middle)…..

Did you know that once you are hit by lightening (and survive) you are more likely to attract it again?

I’ve heard that from lots of “victims” I’ve known…..and I’ve known quite a few…..unfortunately…..

…..I can’t find any supportive articles on the computer…..

BUT…..ALL these people say it’s true…..

…..that they can “feel” lightening nearby…..even their doctors tell them to be extra cautious…..because after they’ve been struck once…..they can attract it again…..(?)…..(huh)…..(?)…..

***Lightening Capital***

In Mexico it’s not Friday the Thirteenth that you have to watch out for…..

…..it’s Tuesday…..

…..Martes Trece…..

*****Tuesday The Thirteenth*****

So…..I wish you well…..all the days of the week…..

…..and cats of all colors…..

…..and just re-use the spilt salt…..

…..(with just a little over the left shoulder)…..

…..(and don’t forget to have the occasional friendly chat with the faeries)…..

***Superstitions Of The Irish***







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