The Sweep Delivered

The Sweep Delivered

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Mister Sweep has come…swept…and deemed our fireplace…..


…..apparently the creosote accumulation wasn’t that bad…..

Chimney Sweep Tools

Phew………….I was expecting bad news…..

…..the people who worked on enclosing our porch…said that the stucco was cracked on the exterior of the chimney…and needed to be repaired & re-stuccoed (btw: they did stuccoing)…..

We knew we needed a chimney cap…’cuz there wasn’t one…..

We knew we wanted the interior checked for cracks…(there weren’t any)….

…..I don’t burn pine…but I do burn storm-debris that gets blown down during the rains…and old stuff that just falls out of the trees naturally…..

…..(along with ANY real/aged/dried/cord wood that I can get my hands on)…(but that’s harder to come by)…..

…..(by harder to come by…I mean…it’s usually me chainsawing)…(and I’m just too tired)…..

There’s a perfect downed tree in the front pasture…I think I mentioned the oak that fell during Hurricane Ian…or maybe it was Nicole…..

…sorry it’s so blurry…can you even see the fallen tree?…

It’s ideal…dry/aged/dead oak wood…just ready to be chainsawed…..

I have my little Echo chainsaw…the bigger ones are just too heavy for me to do much more than about fifteen minutes of sawing before my arms are gone…..

…my old/little chainsaw…

…..but the Echo has been good to me…except…I hate ALL two-cycle engines…they are the bane of my existence…..

Everyone else starts them so easily…it’s a one…two…three pull…and they’re off to the races…..

…too big & heavy for me…

…—–it’s pull…and pull…and pull…and expletives…and pull..and more @##$%$#@’s…and pull…and I usually end up with whiplash and a headache…..

But it’s good to know that our fireplace has passed inspection…and…we have a new chimney cap…..

…our sparkly/new cap…

…..this next rainy season…we shouldn’t have to put buckets underneath the chimney to collect the sooty/dripping water…(until the cap gets blown off during a hurricane)…..

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not complaining…we were SO much luckier than so many people further south of us…..

…..I’ll willingly deal with chainsawing my ONE downed tree…..

Oh!…………we did get an estimate to have it chainsawed by a tree service…$2,850.00…(and that was without removing the stump)…..

… equally aged/good friend of mine suggested…I just let the horses and goats rub on it and eat it and eventually stomp it down…..

Sounds like a good plan to me………….with the exception………….

…’s going to probably be me…and my little/ancient Echo…taking our time…and removing it limb by limb…..


…still blurry…

… round pen is partially crushed and still underneath it…..

…same tree…same round pen…(both looking better…on a sunnier day)…






#chimneycap #chimneycreosote

#stihlchainsaw #echochainsaw #hurricaneian #hurricannichole #chimneysweep #roundpen

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