The Summer Ooze

The Summer Ooze

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Mid-Summer in Florida is here…..

…’s definitely here…..

… it or not…..

…..(I don’t)…..

Everything is shvitz’ing…(I’ve probably misspelled that—but you get the idea)…..

EVERYTHING is drippy & sweating…..

And in regards to horses…if they’re not sweating (anhidrosis)…then you need to panic…..

Brave is sweating plus he’s getting a can of beer a day now (it helps horses to sweat)—(at least that’s what I’ve been told)…..


*****(A Non-Sweating Horse Is A Dangerous Condition)*****

*****(What’s The Value Of Beer For A Horse)*****

Some of my friends are hosing their horses to cool them down…..

We have a number of trees for shade in our pastures…plus Brave has decided to lay in the big mud puddles (that are left over from the rains)…..

The mud is dual-purposed…it cools him down…plus it covers his coat and helps to keep the No-See-Um’s at bay…..

…..but then…it’s hard to tell that he’s a predominately white horse…he looks like a mahogany bay…..

This last weekend…(after a quick series of power outages)–(four of them in a row)…our house’s A/C unit went out…AND our kitchen refrigerator stopped working too…..

The house’s thermostat started rising…and the vegetables in the fridge started wilting…..

Ahhhhhhh…Florida…and it’s electrical storms & surges…and power outages…..

…..they wreck havoc on all the cooling system capacitors…..

And afterwards………….we’re all grumpy…while sitting and sweating in our skivvies…eating semi-spoiled food…..

*****(Merriam Webster’s Definition of “skivvies”)*****

I love Florida summers…..

We lost the watermelon in the hot fridge too…it went bad…..

But what we couldn’t eat…the pigs loved…..


Fortunately…the main air conditioner’s problem was remedied…fairly quickly…..

…..(but not without a great deal of panicking)…..

…..(I mean…after all…it is July in the sunny/steaming South)…..

But we discovered…the kitchen fridge is a goner…..

…(remember when appliances were avocado colored?)…

…..its relay/capacitor is rattling (my older daughter said it’s not supposed to do that)…..

But more importantly she said…the compressor kicked the bucket…(and unless we wanted to blow torch it open and deal with it’s fried electrical innards)…(which we don’t)…..

…..then we need to buy a new one…(well—new to us)…..

Right now…she’s in the process of scrapping the working pieces and the copper from its insides…..

Waste not…Want not…..







#yiddish #generalelectric #westinghouse #frigidaire #bestbuy #florida #floridaheat

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