The Sprint Through Summer

The Sprint Through Summer

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Hold your breath…..

It’s time for that flat out run towards & through Florida’s summer (with all the humid/mossy things that come along for the ride)…..

Spanish Moss

Oh sure…I know it’s still March…and we’ve only just had the Spring Equinox…..

…..but that beastly-weather is at our doorstep…..

We just had a couple days of cool weather…enough that I started a few fires in our fireplace…(with the doors & windows wide open)…(I’m trying to use up all the old firewood)…..

…..(there’s enough “new” wood out in the front pasture just waiting for next year’s fires)…..

…this downed oak tree still needs chain-sawing…and…it’s still over the round pen…

I think this has been the last of the cool weather for awhile…..

Here comes the mossy/moldy/sweaty/sticky/fungus-enhanced summer…..

I’ll try to color-it-cheerful………….all that beautiful/vibrant/virulent green…..

I’ll make a list of all the summer-fun that’s possible here in sub-tropical Florida…..

Maybe I could join a beach-volleyball team?………….Ha!…..

…..(oh, please)…(hardly)…..

I’ve lived down here since 1972…maybe I should finally figure out when the sandcastle competitions are on the beach and go watch?…..

***(hmmm—Apparently Treasure Island’s Sandcastle Competition Is In November)***

…..or maybe I should try some of the (air-conditioned) beach-bars and watch the sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico?…..

…..(getting closer)…..

…..or over-dose on low-country boils?…..

…..(even closer)…..


I’ll check out what live music’s scheduled at “Skipper’s” (our local/colloquial/Florida restaurant)…I haven’t gone in years…..

I used to hang out there in the ’70’s…but it says it only started in 1980?…..

…..(then…where was I?………….I hate when that happens)…..

***(Skipper’s—A History)***

***(Skipper’s Menu)***

It’s one of those rambling/shanty/sandy places…(it makes you wonder how it passed food-licensing)…..

…..but the oysters were cold…and so was the beer…and the live music was always good…..

…..during college I was there (way too much) with an Old Milwaukee (yes, Old Milwaukee) or RedStripe in hand…..

***(Wikipedia on RedStripe)***

See…Hot Summers in Florida are all a matter of perspective…..

…..I’ve rallied myself…..

…..I can do this…..

I’ve already stocked-up on concentrated bug-repellants for the horses…..

I need to pull out the fly sheets (you know the ones that Anja immediately pulls off and tramples in the mud)…..

…I mis-ordered Anja’s first fly sheet…it was a little over-sized)…

…..and order a discounted/case of air-conditioning filters…..

But other than that…summer will wash over us…like a reliable/simmering/tidal pool…(hermit crabs can be so mean)…..

…..I hope Mother Nature gives us a breather this hurricane season…..

…..maybe I should offer her a RedStripe?…I think the old girl might like a couple…..






#sandcastlecompetitions #mothernature #motherearth

#redstripebeer #jamaicanbeer #skippersrestauranttampaflorida #smokedgrouper #gatortail

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