~~~The Saga-Of-The-Piggies…(cont.)~~~

~~~The Saga-Of-The-Piggies…(cont.)~~~

And you thought my muddy-piggy-posts were over…..


Silly you…..

One would think that a mother pig would have an applicable plan for the survive-ability of her children…..

…..one would think that…..

One would expect that a mother pig would seek out the safest/warmest environment for her porcine-pudgy-piglets…..

Mama  Pig  (with her babies sunning on her back)

…..one would think that…..

…..but one would be…..


My older daughter kept going out and checking on the Mama and her babies…..

…..around the clock…..

Mama  Pig

…..(my daughter was more sleep-deprived than their actual Mother)…..

The Mama kept moving her babies…..

…..she’d dig out a good/safe place…..

…..and then…..

…..for no apparent or good reason…..

…..she would move them…..

…..to a less-good…..less-safe…..place…..


She’d move them from a perfectly good hole under a log…..

…..to an exposed area…..

…..closer to the bad mud…..

…..along with the potential for being trampled by the other big pigs…..


Safe  Place  For  The  Baby  Piggies?…..You  Decide…

My daughter kept moving the babies to a safer/drier spot…..

……(Mama pig WAS NOT HAPPY about that)…..

…..the Mama kept moving them closer to the mud!…..



We finally decided that Mama Piggy could not make anymore of her own maternal-decisions…..

Baby  Piggels  In  The  Mud

We needed to make choices for her…..

…..so…..my older daughter and I collected my younger daughter…..

…..and we proceeded to pick-up & pile the piglets back into the bucket (again)…..

…..all the while dodging and dancing around a very confused and angry sow…..

…..(for such short/fat legs…..they can be quick!)…..

…..my younger daughter was safely in charge of opening & shutting the gates…..

…..my older daughter and I did the dance with Mama pig…..

Blurry  Attacking  Mama  Pig…..(and why was I taking the time to snap a photo?)…

…..we each held a squealing baby…..

…..(and a palmetto frond stick)…..(for self-defense)…..

…..and we led Mama into the barn and into a secure/safe box stall…..

…..we counted piglets…..we counted our fingers…..(they were all where they should be)…..

Mama  Pig  Doesn’t  Look  Like  She’s  Forgiven  Us…..Does  She?…

………….and it worked!!!………….

Now we know exactly where Mama pig and her babies are…..

…..and we can all sleep more easily…..

All  Baby  Piggels  Accounted  For…(dry, safe, huddled & happy)…






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