***The Puppies Are Coming***

***The Puppies Are Coming***

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It’s time to prepare…..it’s time to have All Hands On Deck…..

It’s time to Gird Your Loins…..

Willow’s due date is December 19th…..

Only she and Mother Nature will know for sure when the puppers will arrive…..

She delivered her first litter naturally…..(two years ago)…..

…..no cesarean-section was necessary…..

…..(apparently Will O’The Wisp does not suffer from uterus inertia)…..(she has delivered her puppies in the past with a well-toned/optimally-participating uterus)…..


…..(we will hope she and her fit uterus will want to fully participate in the up-coming delivery)…..

…..(and we can forego an emergency c-section)…..

…..(like we have had to do with everyone else)…..

I’ll have photos for you as soon as possible…..

I may be a little late with posting…..

…..you never know what delivery-dilemmas an Irish Wolfhound will throw at you…..

Staying on your toes is important…..

Sleep deprivation is always high on the list…..

Smelling like sour milk and puppy poo is a given…..

I think Willow delivered one day early the last time…..

I think I wrote it down somewhere…..

…..but I’m not sure where…..

There are a number of people who have already contacted us about puppies…..

They won’t be available in time for Christmas…..(that’s a good thing)…..

I don’t like when puppies are given as Christmas presents…..I want everyone on board when one of our puppies goes to a new family…..

I don’t want any surprises…..just a well-loved/well-wanted puppy…..

So…..Hi…..Ho…..Here We Go!…..





#mothernature #duedate

#irishwolfhounds #puppies #irishwolfhoundpuppies, #uterusinertia #willothewisp #cesareansection

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