~~~The Pup Trio~~~

~~~The Pup Trio~~~

Sloane, Val, & Sabine

I thought I should write an update on the three puppy-girls (who we kept from the cascade of litters that recently occurred)…..

(BTW—at this point in time……I am no where close to even considering ANYONE whelping another litter…..I’m still recuperating)

Molly And Her Babies—–(and baby ducks in the background)

We kept Sabine from Killian’s puppies…..that first litter was over a year ago now…..

And we kept Sloane out of Willow’s litter from last November…..


And then there’s the young lady from Molly’s litter from last March—–that’s Val…..(Code of Chivalry)…..


The girls are deep into their chewing-stage of adolescents…..

We are girding our loins…..and sweeping up the shards & wood chips & pieces of what-nots that they might happen to find desirable…..

Everything in this house has chew-marks and puncture-holes…..

Sloane Ranger—–(sorry for the blurry photo—they move so fast)

…..we think they add to that “distressed-look” & character…..

Our home has a lot of character…..

I’m seriously considering refinishing…………………


The chewing-thing is predictable with any puppy and it has a fairly-predictable time-frame…..

…..and they always choose your best left shoe…..or toothbrush…..or cast iron pan (yes, cast iron pan)…..

…..or shower curtain…..or toilet plumbing…..

AND…..this is all in lieu of soft chew toys…..hard chew toys…..and medium-soft-hard chew toys…..

…..it doesn’t matter…..

It’s puppy-dom here…..and they rule.


When you live here…..you have to pre-think like a dog…..

…..for me…..

…..that’s not really hard…..

…..it’s thinking like a human that stumps me…..

Over the years I’ve found that Liquid-Paper adequately covers gnaw-marks on wallboard…..

…..and Sharpie Markers come in so many colors…..I can usually find a color that’s close-ish to something that the fuzzy-dudes have loved-to-pieces with their newly-emerging adult teeth…..

For the most part…..we’ve matured beyond the house puddles…..(HA!)…..

…..but honestly…..it’s more due to our human-vigilance rather than their sphincter-control…..


…..that’s a good word then it comes to puppy-rearing…..


…..and then when the training period is over……


You have a semi-trained/semi-obedient hound…..

…..and you…..?…..

…..you have been well-indoctrinated and puppy-polished to meet the pupper’s every need and desire…..

Well done………….you’ve graduated…..!…..

Sloane Ranger

!!!!!!!Who Remembers Barbara Woodhouse and…….”WALKIES”!!!!!!!






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