*****The Plugs That Glow*****

*****The Plugs That Glow*****

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Glow little glow plugs…..

…..glow on…glow on…..

Who remembers the derivation of those lyrics?…and that old song “Glow Worm”?…..


*****(“Glow Worm” by The Mills Brothers—1957)*****

…..I guess I’ve dated myself again…as a fossil…..

Well that’s where the tractor repair is at this moment…..

…..deep into glowing plug related things…..

My older daughter has hit the ground running…..

And…some interesting things have been discovered…..

As seen in one of the previous posts…my older daughter took out the tractor’s glow plugs…..

…..and they ended up on the kitchen table…..

Plus the mail-order truck starter did arrive…(in the mail)…and my daughter took the old one out…..

…..and put the new one in…..

But Damn…after taking the old one out…and putting the new one in…..

…..that was NOT the problem either!…..

Our tractor’s issues….were NOT the starter…..

…..(fortunately…the parts company takes returns)…so the starter was polished up (on the kitchen table) and mailed back for a refund…..

So………….on to the next stage…of the tractor repair…..

The glow plugs were now the focus of my daughter’s assault…..

…(the kitchen table appears to be the staging area for a great  many repairs & projects)…

…..(You need to listen closely…there may be a quiz later)…..

And Damn after taking out…and scrutinizing…and volt metering…all the plugs…..


The plugs that glow…were NOT the issue either…..

So what was left?…..

…..filters had been changed…fluids had been drained and added…and still the sad little tractor quietly sat there in non-performance mode…..

Then my daughter had a light bulb moment…..

…..the battery had been replaced a few months back…it was only seven months old…and still under warranty…..

…..it was worth taking it back to the auto parts store to have it checked…..

!!!…AND SHAZAM…!!!

The battery was a lemon!…..

The store clerk said that happens from time to time…and another battery was swapped out…..

~~~~~Sure Enough~~~~~That Was The Problem~~~~~

My daughter put everything back together…no nuts…or bolts…or screws were left over…..

…..and our happy little tractor is motoring away…once again…..

Let’s swap that project from the “To Do” List…to the “To Done” column…..

Tra!  La!






#fordtractors #diehardbattery #batteryanode #everlastbattery #energizerbattery

#glowplugs #mahindratractor #YouTube #aceautoparts #napa #oreillyautoparts #masseyferguson

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