**!The Pig’s New Digs!**

**!The Pig’s New Digs!**

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Mama Pig and her boyfriend have new pens!


Mama Pig is a bit of a cougar…..if it weren’t for the fact that she’s a (domesticated?) wild sow…..

…..her “arm-candy” is quite a bit younger than her…..(and smaller)…..

…..but he’s old enough!…..

Remember last July when my older daughter and I almost died from heat stroke loading up pigs and taking them to auction and/or the butcher’s?…..

We counted up how many pigs we “dispatched”…..

…..it was twenty-nine (29) XXIX!!!!!…..(prolific little buggers aren’t they?)…..

…..That’s A Lot Of Pork!…..

We honed down our porcine-population drastically…..

…..to just two…..(and you thought it was zero)…..(HA!)…..

But their digs were in total/complete disarray…..

…..and totally uninhabitable…..and dangerous…..and disgusting…..

…..(the pigs didn’t even want to live there)…..

…..and the pens did NOTHING to restrain and/or contain the rooting/meandering porkers…..

…..(but that’s another story)…..

…..(and I don’t want to talk about it)…..


This story has a happy ending…..(well maybe only for Mama Pig and her Boy Toy)…..(not the other XXIX)…..

My Older Daughter and Her-Friend-Grey came to the (desperately needed) rescue…..

…..plus he (Her-Friend-Grey) is big & strong & knows his way around construction and power-tools…..

They chain-sawed & sunk telephone pole post (in cement)…..

Mama Pig  &  Her New Home

They appropriately attached appropriately welded-metal panels…..(of appropriate height)…..(no zip-ties or hay-bale string attachments)…..

They measured and constructed loading-chutes…..with easy-backup/trailer accessibility…..

(…our very own WoodHenge…)

Mama Pig has her own pen…..

…..and so does her Boy Toy…..

…..they can have PLANNED-conjugal-visits!…..

My friend (Suzanne Annette) said we were waiting too long to take the young pigs to auction…..

…..(apparently you get the best return right after they’re weaned)…..(thank you for telling us that Suzanne Annette!)…..

~~~!!!So…..Let The Canoodling Begin!!!~~~

…..(I think they already have)…..






#pigs #wildhogs #animalauction #pork #telephonepoles #powertools #cougar #weldedmetalpanels

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