The Pie Siblings

The Pie Siblings

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Malcolm/Moon Pie

I realized I haven’t given an update on Killian’s last litter…..

The puppies have gone on and started their new lives with their new owners…..

Chelsea/Scooter Pie

Remember we give temporary litter names to the puppies…they aren’t anything permanent…..

It’s just a temporary name that we can call them…until they get their forever names with their new families…..

Quite often the litter names are established during a sleep-deprived/punchy-state in the midst of feeding and caring for the fur ball neonates…..

And this litter was no exception…..

My older daughter said this time I was not allowed to call any of the puppies “Oscar”…and “Not Oscar” was also banned as a call-name too…..

…..(she can get very directive & judgy sometimes)…..

I do have to admit…there was the Era-of-Oscars…I needed names while quickly pointing to a puppy…and Oscar just became the go-to name…..

Then after my daughter got fed up with so many Oscars…(and not to be daunted)…I called one of the little boys Not-Oscar…..

…(a previous litter)…

Now using Oscar as a name (in any form) has become/strictly forbidden…..

So for some reason…this litter became the Pie Siblings…..

We had Scooter Pie…and Moon Pie…..

…..only two of the original four made it to adult puppyhood…Fading Puppy Syndrome is an awful/heart-breaking thing…..

Chelsea/Scooter Pie with Willow and Killian

But Scooter Pie and Moon Pie are hale and hearty and growing like weeds…..

Scooter Pie started off the entire naming process…because she has a blaze on her chest in the shape of the pie symbol…and also because she had a propensity for scooting on her butt across the floor…..

…..(even after regular wormings of rotated anthelmintics)…(so internal parasites weren’t the issue)…(she just liked scooting)…..

…..and so the name Moon Pie followed suit…well…just because…..

Malcolm/Moon Pie

Moon Pies are delicious…and sweet…and well…I like the name…(and it wasn’t Oscar)…..


Fortunately for everyone concerned…they both have real/forever names now…..

Moon Pie became Malcolm…..

Happy Malcolm

And Scooter Pie fortunately became Chelsea…..

Chelsea & Malcolm & my younger daughter…



We have had people in the past who have kept their puppy’s litter name…fortunately they were few and far between…and even more fortunately…none of them were Oscar…..

Willow…Killian…Acacias…and Chelsea

Now Chelsea and Malcolm are beginning their new lives…and Killian is trying to get her figure back…..

Malcolm & Brownie

And Willow isn’t pregnant…she’s just fat…..

…..and life is good…..

Killian & Willow

And a good night’s sleep is very under-rated…..






#chelsea #pyrantelpamoate #fenbendozale #ivermectin #safeguard

#akc #irishwolfhounds #moonpies #irishwolfhoundpuppies #petsmart #petco

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