*****The Next Step*****

*****The Next Step*****

*******Disclaimer:   There Will Be Gross Farm Photos In This Post*******

Resilient…….Or Maybe Just Dumb/Stupid/& Stubborn…

I don’t know…

I think I’m just too old to change…

It’s all I know…

But like I’ve said before…….

…..Life Is A Twelve-Step Program…..

…..and so, I’ll take “that” next step………….it’s all I can do…

Addy is making a solid comeback, physically…

Her temperature has been acceptable (I take it twice daily…)

At this stage, you have to be on the watch for “foal founder” (i.e. Postpartum Laminitis)…..along with so many other things…

*****All Kinds Of Postpartum Things To Worry About*****

Afterbirth Should Not Appear This Red

…..and that’s why our veterinarian took her time evaluating Addy’s placenta after it came out…

Everything Looks Completely Expelled

…..not just gross pictures…..there’s an important purpose for poking in that goo…

Plus, it was important to evaluate the afterbirth thoroughly because it was a red bag delivery…

Horns Of The Placenta—(There Are Two With Horses)

…..and one of the uterus “horns” was granulated…..(not good)………….(but, too much to explain here)…

At this point, you probably won’t be surprised to hear, I have already lost a mare to “foal founder”…

…..that was a number of years ago…

…..Annie was my first draft mare (a black Percheron)…..and there was so very much heartache there too…

(I don’t EVER want to give another penicillin injection—–too much pressure—–I cry while giving them—–every time—–twice daily)

***Those of you who have given horses (or any animal) I.M. penicillin injections know what I’m talking about***

…..it’s gut-wrenching…..if you do it correctly…….

…..it’s immediately fatal…..if you don’t…….

…..and this is all done while your horse is standing completely still for you…..HA!…

The Ole’ Pen & Gen routine (penicillin and gentamicin)…………………I hate that anacronym…

But it’s looking good for Addy…

She appears to be squeaky clean…..(post-delivery-speaking)…

No Pen & Gen today…….

…………………and so…….we all move forward…………………





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