*The Need For A Secure Coop*

*The Need For A Secure Coop*

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I can’t remember when we originally made our chicken coop…..

If you remember (from some of my much earlier posts)…our coop is more of a re-purposing of an odd/little porch off our master bathroom…..

***Stalag Coop—Part 1***

***Stalag Cop—Part 2***

***Stalag Coop—#3***

It was a long time ago…..

…..(my daughters were still in diapers)…..

…..(why does my time-line always involve pre vs. post diaper-timing?)…..(I Do Not Know?)…..

…..the bathroom is easy-access into the coop to collect the eggs…but we’ve also created multiple-generations of pervy-voyeuristic chickens)…..

…..(doesn’t everyone take a shower with chickens peering at them through the adjacent glass door?)…..

However…I’m here to say…a secure coop is a necessity on a farm in the swamp…..

I’ve been able to train the new additions to the coop to go out in the morning and come back in the evening…..

…..then after dark…I religiously close the coop door…which I can do through my bedroom window with a pulley-system…..

…(repairing the coop’s ramp-door)…

…..and all goes well…..

…..until the variables of life set in…..

…(a hen perching On Top of the coop)…

…..like another farmer dropping off their extra roosters who won’t use our coop…and those new roosters coax some of the more impressionable (stupid) hens to stay outside the coop with them over night….

…(Not Our Rooster!)…

…..That Doesn’t End Well…..

…..(and it’s always the hens who get popped-off…never the extra roosters)…..

…(these bones & feathers are the only remainder of a hen who was convinced to stay outside the coop over night)…(Bad Choice)…

…..(we’ve had that occur a few times recently)…..

…(that ominous/telltale “poof” of feathers)…(Not Good)…

***Note To Self***Round up those extra roosters and take them to the auction…..

…..get them gone…..

…(Not Our Damned Roosters!)…

But then too…..

…..now our coop needs a Make-Over…..

~~Smart Birds Safely in the Coop at Night~~

It was originally constructed from those boards made out of cement…..

…..but now it’s disintegrating…..

…(not very secure…huh?)…

…..I guess their half-life or shelf-life has expired…..

Time for some much needed repair work…..






#predators #chickencoop #cementboards #voyeur

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