The Morning Routine

The Morning Routine

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My cats rule when the day begins…..

…..who am I kidding…..


…..the cats rule practically everything else too…..

Those of you with cats know what I mean…..


Those of you with house cats are keenly aware how much your day is manipulated by your cats…..

And then there are those crazies out there with multiply house cats…..

…..there’s just no helping you…..

…..and let’s face it………….there’s no hope either…..


…’re a goner…..

How these cats know when it’s time to get up in the morning is beyond me…..

Neil deGrasse Tyson & Kahlua

My older daughter and I get up before sunrise…..

…..before the roosters start…..

…’s dark…’s quiet… should be tranquil…..

How do the cats know exactly when that time is?…..and then subtract nineteen minutes…..(?)…..

Archimedes, Sam, & Copernicus…and The Laundry

They don’t have wristwatches on their fuzzy arms…..

…’s dark…..there aren’t any external triggers…..(that I’m aware of)…..


But regularly…..ruthlessly…..

…..they are right there to stick a whisker up my nostril about twenty minutes before I was intending to get up…..

…..enough time to wake me up…..make me look at the clock…..know I have a bit more snooze time…..but not enough…..

…..or maybe I should just get up?…..

…..And then…..I have the dilemma of…..

…..I Don’t Want To Get Up Fifteen Minutes Ahead Of Time…..!…..

…..Or…(the ever popular)…I’ll just relax a little with my eyes closed…..

…..FYI…..the cats LOVE this one…..

…..because that gives them the opportunity to dump their entire bag of tricks right on my head…..which until now was nestled & cozy & comfy on my pillow…..

… head then becomes the final corner of the cat’s impromptu 400 meter relay race…..

…..(complete with banking off my forehead)…..

… quiet (but distended) bladder becomes their chosen spot for thumping/kneading/& head-butting…..

…..and let’s not forget about my well-hidden…..but minutely-moving toes under the duvet…..

… poor toes become the BEST target just begging to be pounced on and attacked with tuna-teeth…..

Speaking of tuna-breath…’s always bad…..but it’s especially bad in the groggy/dark/morning/hours surrounded by multiple furry faces staring down at me…..

…..and breathing on me…..

But here’s the piece-de-resistance…..

…..wait for it…..

One of the kitties gets to pull the short straw and wins the opportunity to sit on my face…..

…………………Forget Sleeping After That!…………………

And so… day begins…..






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