~~~The Morning Ablution Dance~~~

~~~The Morning Ablution Dance~~~

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…..my philosophy…..is that children and animals come first…..

…..it’s not necessarily a benevolent philosophy…..it’s just what demands to happen…..

If one of your children is in distress…..then the superhero in you manifests itself immediately…..

…..same thing occurs here on the farm…..

…..it’s not a conscious response…..

It’s muscle-memory…..or maternal instinct…..or maybe just Pavlovian salivation…..whatever is in vogue these days…..

…..when a maniacal herd of Wolfhounds are underfoot first thing in the dim morning hours…..I HAVE TO take care of them first…..just to clear the hallway to the bathroom…..

…..add to that…..there are times when I don’t want Ben to “visit” with one of the girls (who are in season)…..


…..and that’s ALL they want to “DO”…..

…..Oh…..Please!…..let me get my cup of tea first!…..

…..combine all of that whirling…..with multiple full-bladdered Wolfhounds…..(not to mention my own)…..

…..and everything turns into riotous cacophony…..(it’s way too early for that)…..

Hounds inevitably bank off my bare feet…..pictures get knocked eschew…..(or more likely) right off the walls…..with all of us trying to fit down the narrow hallway…..

…..cursing is always involved…..

…..Wolfhounds are running in place…..tap dancing (with their sharp nails) on my insteps…..panting…..wheezing…..more panting…..(and that’s me)…..

…..cats…..if they’re smart…..have scattered and are watching from the safety of higher ground…..

…..the dumb ones have gotten into the mix and are squalling and clawing their way to safety (usually over my insteps)…..

…..and usually Long John Silver (the cockatoo)…..starts screaming (just as we pass his cage)…..

So…..now my feet are bleeding…..my ears are bleeding too…..

…..But…..here’s the real question…..

…..did I make it to the toilet with adequate time…..(?)…..

Honestly…..sometimes I do…..and sometimes I don’t…..

…..and that’s how my day usually begins…..

TMI…..(?)…..you bet’cha…..






#irishwolfhounds #incontinence #cockatoo #pavlov #cacophony #ablution

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