The Month of Halloween

The Month of Halloween

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Tra!  La!  It’s here…..

I love this month…..I love October…..

I think I’m extra partial to celebrating Halloween early because it’s the last day of the month…..

…..and then poof…..

…..the next day is November and October is gone…..

It’s kind of like my birthday…..(also the last day of a month)…..

I look forward to it all month long…..then poof…..

…..I’m on the down-side of a sugar-high…..surrounded by torn wrapping paper…..with tape and cake crumbs stuck in my hair…..

…..wondering where the month went…..

Hence… proclivity & fondness for Halloween…..

…..(with all of its holiday-candy)…..

I mean…..some of that stuff you can’t find any other time of the year…..!…..

…..(some of it…..I swear…..they save and re-sell the next go-around?)…..

……..waxed Dracula teeth!…..what’s not to like…..(?)…..I could wear them in July…..

…..Mary Janes…..that peanut butter chewy-ness…..(you end up eating the wrapper too/because you can never get it off)…..

…..and Sixlets…..(what ARE those things?)… it just hardened candy-coating on top of candy-coating with a smudge of something chocolate inside…..?…..

Who Knows!?!

…..(it’s like Crack)…..

…..let’s not forget the specialty Vanilla Tootsie Rolls (and sometimes even Butterscotch ones!)…..seasonally yummy & nauseating all at the same time!…..

… there’s the conservative…..DAD’s Root Beer Barrels…..(everybody’s Grandfather’s candy)…..

…..remember Necco’s rolls (What’s A Necco?)… favorite were the black ones…..(if you held them on the roof of your mouth long enough…..they became suctioned on…..and lasted for hours)…..

…..ooooohhh…..and Charleston Chews…..(but what flavor?… many choices… many colors…..all guaranteed to damage your teeth…..I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH!)…..(Charleston Chews)…..

Being thoroughly “incorrect”………….remember the candy cigarettes…..?…..with the little red-colored “lit” ends.  I was always so sad when I broke one in two trying to split it apart in the box…..(History of Candy Cigarettes)

…..(I remember finding used ash trays to line up my cigarettes on the edge and act like I was grown up)………….(hmmmmmm?)…..

…..(what can I say… was a different time)…..

My Grandmother Would Make Candied Apples To Hand Out…

… they still sell bubble gum cigars?…..probably not…..and remember Black Jack chewing gum?…..(if you gobbed it over a tooth it looked like you were tooth-less)… was anise-flavored…..(no wonder it didn’t last)…..(Black Jack & Beemans Gum)

Turkish Taffy
Slo Poke—(what would get pulled out first…your filling or the stick?)…

I love October…..

I love Halloween…..

It’s thinking about getting cooler here…..

…..who am I kidding…..

… was in the ninety’s yesterday…..

(Who Can Name This Candy Bar?)…



#blackjackgum, #beemansgum, #trickortreat

#dracula, #dadsrootbeerbarrel, #charlestonchews, #candycigarettes,

#halloween, #tootsierolls, #turkishdelight, #slopoke, #maryjane, #necco, 

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