~~~The Mean Aunt~~~

~~~The Mean Aunt~~~

Fat Addy is perfect for the job…..

…..she’s had enough foals of her own…..

Addy & A Previous Filly…

…..sooooo…..another one to baby-sit is NOT a novelty for her…..

…..She considers Finley an immediate nuisance…..

Addy Is Totally Disinterested In Finley…

…..poor Finley…..

…..he’s so used to being “the star” where his Mom is concerned…..the coddled-colt…..

…..(but he’s been beating her up SO much)…..

…..(plus eating most of her food)…..

He hasn’t been a considerate/caring son…..(at all)…..

Our veterinarian (Doctor/Reverend/Sir/Stevie Wonder) was here…..he said Finley is definitely old enough for weaning………….ASAP…..

…..(he’s a bouncing/baby/bruiser)…..

He needs to be put in with another horse…..so he feels safe in a “herd”…..

…..(but he needs someone who will NOT put up with his antics…..(not one iota)…..

…..enter Fat Addy…..

She was perfect for the job…..

…..she’ll grab him by the tail and use him as a Bolas…..(Gaucho’s Bolas)…..

…..if need be…..she will sit on him…..

…..and squish him into being a gentleman…..

Finley has repeatedly bitten & nipped Claire on her legs…..on her tail…..on her face…..

…..she has leg sores now because of him that flies are capitalizing on and aggravating…..

Claire’s Right Hind Leg

…..my older daughter has been alternating spraying her with Listerine and chlorhexidine…..

Claire’s Inside Left Hind Leg

…..next comes colloidal silver spray…..

…..but what Claire really needs…..is to go to a spa…..to recuperate from Rocket Man…..

…..(the poor ole’ dear)…..(she’s too tolerant)…..

Sooooo…..enter…..Fat Addy…..

Claire  &  Finley

Finley first tried to take Addy’s breakfast…..(bad idea)…..

…..Addy had none of it…..(remember her nickname)…..

Fat Addy  &  Finley  &  Addy’s Breakfast…..(Addy doesn’t share)…

Then Finley ran around in doughnuts until he was exhausted…..

…..Addy kept an eye on him…..

…..tolerated him and stayed “fairly” close when he had to lay down for his multiple baby-naps…..

But otherwise…………………

Addy knows her personal-space…..wants to keep it…..

…..Finley will learn the value of his personal-space…..

…..the hard way…..

…..(while Claire finally can take a nap)…..

Claire & My Older Daughter







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