The Mammary Militia

The Mammary Militia

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The puppies are doing GREAT!…..

This litter of Irish Wolfhound puppies has hit developmental-markers so much quicker & earlier than past litters…..

I’m really not sure why or what’s the difference…..

…..but…these guys are………….very…very sure of what they WANT…and WHEN they want it…..

…..and they are plotting together on how to get it…..

This is a very…very opinionated passel-of-pups………….they’re actually a little scary…..

…..they’ve started to toddle & weave everywhere…their eyes are wide open…..

…..they watch us with all-seeing/inky-black/judging eyes…..

…..(and I’m afraid…we’ve come up short in their judgment)…..

…..they know everything…..

Maybe it’s because I am seeing this through weeks of sleep-deprived/half-opened eyes…..

…..everything is puppy-hued…..

Honestly…raising Irish Wolfhound puppies is much like Chinese water torture…..

…..they aren’t immediately murderous…..

…..they take their time…they wear you down…..

…..they wait for the perfect moment…then attack in unison and gum you to death…..

Recently…with January’s full moon…I found them howling at the moon…in unison…with eyes that weren’t open yet…while they were still in the den…and couldn’t see the moon at all…..

…..(other litters have done this too)…..

But they were facing and baying in the appropriate direction where the moon was rising…..

…..I don’t ask questions…..

…..I just go with the flow…..

…..but it does boggle the mind…..

Their Mom is getting fed up…her babies are starting to cut their teeth…..

She’s hesitant and wincing at feeding times…..

…..I don’t blame her…..

My older daughter and I are still tube-feeding…then we put them on Mom afterwards…..

…..they are an aggressive/ravenous bunch…..

…..thorough houligans…no respect…..

No adherence to the rules of etiquette…..

They bite…they pull…they trample…they twist…(and this is what they’re doing to their mother’s teats!)…..


They’re out of their big RubberMaid bin…and into a wire cage…they still have a heating pad in one corner…but it’s only occasionally used now…..

We’re sleeping in our own beds again for about six hours a night…not great…but I’ll take it…..

The children are growing up…..








#irishwolfhounds #irishwolfhoundpuppies #mammary system #tubefeeding #puppygruel

2 thoughts on “The Mammary Militia

    1. They are so much cuter now that there is more time to sleep in-between feedings. Just started on gruel. They are all spiked and gummy…and Mom loves cleaning them up now.

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