~~~The Last Melon~~~

~~~The Last Melon~~~

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Turkey Hen…

We just passed a chapter in our farm life here…..

Our last turkey died…..

…..of old age…..

Mary Jane has moved on to that comfortable floating perch in the sky…..

I just checked my past hatchery invoices to see how old she was…..

…………………she was eleven years old…………………


I triple checked to make sure…..

She really was eleven years old…..

*****(Bourbon Red Turkey Descriptions)*****

I can’t find the life expectancy of a turkey hen anywhere…..

*****(More Bourbon Red Breed Descriptions)*****

…..I guess their life expectancies were more geared towards oven roasting and dinner platters…..

But Mary Jane made it to old age and her term limits…..

I have to admit…I did originally get turkeys to raise for the table…..

Deep Fried (store bought) Turkey…

But…I liked them too much…and we never butchered a single one…..

…..they were just too…I don’t know…they were such turkeys…..

They were doofy…and goofy…and just so silly…and I just never got around to it…..

Mary Jane even survived a minor hurricane (I can’t remember which one)…because she had started setting on a nest somewhere…and we couldn’t find her…..

Until after the storm…and she wandered back home…completely soggy and frazzled…..

As the years went by…most of the original turkey hens and toms were lost through attrition (mostly predators)…..

They really didn’t have the common sense to come in out of the rain…..

Ultimately my older daughter and I even built a coop specifically for them…because they were simply not good at surviving…..

Mary Jane

So…we were really surprised to find that Mary Jane made it to eleven years!…..

We found her in the morning…non-ruffled…she looked cushed & comfortable on the ground………….and gone…..

She looked like she had just sighed and died in her sleep…..

I’ll never try geese again…(they’re just too painful)…or Bobwhite quail…(they are self-murderous)…..

But Bourbon Red turkeys…I could be talked into raising them again…..

…..we already have the turkey coop…..

We’ll miss you Mary Jane………….wow…eleven!…..

Mary Jane…(sorry for the blurry photo)…

*****(The Movie “Ice Age” and “The Last Melon”)*****






#bourbonredturkey #twodayoldchicks #iceagemovie

#cacklehatchery #murraymcmurrayhatchery #strombergshatchery #turkeys

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