The Last Eyeball Is Done

The Last Eyeball Is Done

Six years ago I had cataract surgery on both eyes…..

Mostly because my “bad” eye had a lot of post-surgical cataracts…..

(from that earlier emergency laser surgery for histoplasmosis)

…..the cataracts had obscured the doctors’ ability to look into my brain…..


…..apparently that’s a thing…..

…..the doctors always want a clear view into your brain (via your optic nerve)…..


I had gone for a recent check-up…..becauseĀ I’d noticed that my vision had really gone into the dumpster…..

I was told that the membrane behind my new/artificial lenses (that were put in six years ago)……had gotten dirty & smudged & smeared…..

…..and needed cleaning & fixing…..

…..apparently that’s a thing too…..

It’s called Yag Laser Capsulotomy…..

…..that’s a mouthful…..

***A Lot Of Information On “Yag” Surgery I’m Not Going To Read***

***So I Read This One…And Scared Myself***

(Not My Eye Color)

The procedure was so quick… was hard to know if anything happened…..

…..I felt a little bit like I was a cow in a stock-yard…..

…..lots of people being shuttled here and there through the clinic…..

…..a bit like cattle…..

…..the clinic was quite a medical machine…..

The doctor split up the surgeries into two different procedures…..

…..he did one eye on one day…..

Nope…..Still Not My Eye Color

…..then waited two weeks…..

…..and then he did the other one…..

They wanted to do the blind eye first…..

…..why you ask?…..

…..I know I wanted to know…..

…..again it was for that clear-cut view into my brain…..?…..


…..what’s going on in there that I don’t know about…..?…..

…..apparently everybody wants a crystal clear shot into my brain…..?…..

…..okay then…..


I am now waiting for my eyeballs to stop feeling like fuzzy volleyballs…..

(I Don’t Know What This Is…..But It’s How My Eyes Feel)

Hopefully tomorrow… eyes will be back to normal size…..

…..and hopefully my vision will be crystal clear once again…..

…..not that I mentioned this much before…..

…..but it’s safer now for everyone to be out on the road…..

…..because now I’ll be able to see when I drive & haul the horse trailer…..

…..just saying………….





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