*The Kumquat Festival*

*The Kumquat Festival*

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Our local Kumquat Festival may not readily come up on TripAdvisor as a AAA Activity…..

…..and I know nothing about the history or origins of Kumquats…..

*****(A Brief Kumquat History Lesson)*****

…but as fun festivals…our local Kumquat Festival is right up there…..

…..(btw–it’s the same town who also has the Rattlesnake Festival in the Fall)…..

(An example of one of my less-than-good choices)…(put the bad snake down)…(FYI…the pygmy rattlesnake was already dead)

…..(and I’d like to point out that both of those festival tee-shirts are highly coveted and conversation pieces at parties)…..

The local farmers find the biggest diamondback rattlesnakes hanging around in the groves in the fall…and in January the same farmers celebrate their kumquats from the same groves…..

…..(it’s some sort of a symbiosis I guess)…..

*****(The Kumquat Festival)*****

But back to the Kumquat…it’s a tiny little citrus fruit…..

…..a minuscule oval Orange Wanna-Be…..

But Wow…does it pack a cheek-sucking punch…..

There’s the sweet kumquat and then there’s the tart kumquat…..

Not a fun casual pop-in-your-mouth snack…but great for jams and marmalades…..

(~~~~~I tried to grow a couple of our own kumquat trees…but the goats ate them~~~~~)

Throughout my children’s growing years…we frequented a lot of carnivals…festivals…and fairs…..

We showed with 4-H…and dairy goats…and llamas…and Wolfhounds…and draft horses…..

My Older Daughter & “Nana”

…..we know fair food…..

Having said this…I need to point out that the Kumquat Festival is at the “beginning” of the fair season circuit…..

…..(which means the food vendor’s frying oil is fairly new)…..

Funnel Cake

Now don’t get me wrong…I like the woody/hearty taste of a well-used cooking oil from a discriminating vendor…late in the fair season…..

…..but to a fair food connoisseur…there is a big difference in the taste of a funnel cake or a fried elephant ear at the beginning of the carnival season compared to the end of the county fairs…..

…..it’s a learned appreciation & taste…and research is necessary too…because you want to make sure the food vendor hasn’t switched from fried grouper sandwiches in the middle of the fair season to fried Twinkies…..

I speak from experience………….that’s just not cool…..

But my younger daughter brought home some kumquat infused honey…and I’ll be on the look out for kumquats for jelly…..

…..and then the Florida State Fair is just around the corner (but we’re not showing anything this year)…after that the local county fairs…and then the Strawberry Festival…..

Life is Good…..

And so is Fair Food…..

~~~~~(Oh…and Happy Ground Hog Day too)~~~~~





#funnelcakes #dadecitykumquatfestival #dadecitychamberofcommerce 

#dadecityflorida #sanantonioflorida #sanantoniofloridakumquatfestival #floridastatefair #

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