+++++++The Itchies+++++++

+++++++The Itchies+++++++

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Wild Ducks In Our Back Yard…

Summer humidity is here in grande/soggy fashion…..

There’s a green hue to the air because of all of the suspended mold…..

…Again…Our Back Yard…

Inhalations can be a challenge…..it’s more like gargling algae…..

…..(something tells me that Florida’s Board of Tourism wouldn’t want me as their spokesperson)…..

Brave (with an Ibis perched on his butt)…in our back yard…

But with the thick/wet/hot air comes the sweating…..

I was told my Grandmother would say…..

—–Horses Sweat…..Men Perspire…..and Women Glisten—–

…..(I must be a horse then)…..

…..and with the sweating and the excessive humidity comes the constant skin-dampness and accumulated salt from perspiring…..

And with the collected follicular-salt-accumulation (I just made up that word combination) you get the itchies…..

The big Clydesdales have a lot of hair…..there’s a lot of ability for follicular-salt-accumulation (get ready I’m going to use my new word a lot)…..

…..and hence…..

…..with this drying salt on their skin…..they itch…..and they rub…..and they scrub…..and they abrade…..


…..(usually only on important things)…..

…..(Really…..ONLY on Important/Expensive things)…..

…(not one of our mares)…

We chose not to breed the mares this year…..normally by now they would be in foal and hanging out with Brave in the big pasture…..

…..(we plan to breed them when the weather cools in the winter)…..

Anja & Addy Itching

In the meantime…..the girls are in the front yard (which is also fenced)…..

…..and due to their follicular-salt-accumulation (don’t say I didn’t warn you)…..

Addy (and her rub marks)…

…..they are rubbing on the trees…the planters…the mounting block…the gooseneck…the hitching post…..


…..AND MY TRUCK…..!……

Not Good…..NOT GOOD…..ist Nicht Gut…..!……

Someone Was Rubbing Their Ass On MY TRUCK!!!

…..NOT MY TRUCK!!!…..Nooooooooooooo!!!!!

THIS MEANS WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!     !@#$%^&**&^%$#@!!@#$%^&**&^%$#@!!!!!






#forddually #dieseltruck #fordf350 #mudfeaver #scratches #horsesweat #horserubbing

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