The Internet Is Down

The Internet Is Down

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Our internet has been out now for over eighteen hours…..

There were no outages reported in our area…..

The world is still turning…apparently…somewhere…(I guess)…..

You all know the drill…..

I’m not bothered that much…I’m fulfilling my desire to write my blog…..

I’ve started this document-thingie…in the notepad icon-thingie…that I found at the bottom of my computer’s toolbar…..

And if I don’t lose it…I’ll Cut & Paste it into my WordPress-thingie when the outage gets rectified…(whenever that is)…..

In the meantime…I have some back-issues of Rural Heritage to read along with my new Christmas gift subscription of Mother Earth News…(fortunately all hard copy magazines)…..

After that…we have books to read…real cover-to-cover books…with pages in between…..

It’s a comforting thought…..

A few years back…I thought about researching a windmill…you know…for pumping water and making things run…if…when…the power goes out…..

But if I remember correctly…the start-up pricing was way out of my reach…(nothing I could consider squirreling out of the monthly food budget)…..

So today after writing this…I intend to save it to my Desktop (or somewhere)…..

Oh…I didn’t mention…our water heater sighed and died two days ago (quite dramatically)…..

I feel confident saying that water should not smoke and sizzle…..

That being the case…what is one to do for ones ablutions?…I’m too old to take cold showers…..

But we have tea kettles and big canning pots…and with a little extra time and preparation…I can have a warm bath and shampooed hair…..

I’m not intending to make light of our lack of hot water and internet outages…but I am learning about good soil microbes and cultivating mushrooms from my magazines…..

Sunny sub-tropical Florida has never had a problem cultivating mushrooms…sometimes it has a problem with cultivating too much fungi…..

But that’s a story for another day…..

I’m curled up on the couch…with the dogs and cats…(and clean hair)…and reading about soil tests that are available with our friendly local Extension Office at the Farm Bureau….. 

Enjoy the little things…when…and…where you can…..







#verizon #frontier #extensionagent #farmbureau #ruralheritage #motherearthnews #wordpress

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