The Goat Nursery

The Goat Nursery

We knew this was going to happen…

It’s the basic “birds and bees” stuff…..and we planned it…

But it’s still startling when a flock of baby-bundle-carrying storks start dropping baby goats everywhere…….

…’s a little alarming…….

…..and more are expected imminently…

There are still a number of ladies out there who are sporting major bellies…

…..they are veritable Zeppelins.

We seem to always find ourselves in the remote back pasture, when the sun is rapidly setting, and the daylight is leaving…….

…..and this evening was no different…

Oh wait…..a big thunder storm was rolling in too…..

Well…..just wrap my head in aluminum foil and give me a rebar to hold…..

(Rebar or Lightening Rod… choose)

The does will birth their babies and then tuck them into hiding places…..

Irma’s Son

(plus, Irma continues to walk away from her sons)

One of the Boer-crosses had just birthed a new set of twins…..still wet…..not walking yet…

We had to search all over to find them…

Human daughters #1 and #2 were enlisted for help…..(Paolo wisely stayed inside where it was dry)…

…..and so another goat rodeo ensued…..

…..those little kids can MOVE!…..

… bouncing/bounding little dudes!…..

…..but their mom’s (with their big udders) were a little slower off the mark…..

Ultimately we were able to get all of the current mothers and their families into one of the big box stalls (Addy’s)…..

The flashing lightening was still a little way away (by the second-to-mile ratio)…

My human kids and I were muddy and soaked and exhausted…..

…..but the goat kids were snuggled into dry shavings with their mom’s having already staked out their corners of the stall…..

…..once inside our house… a nutritious meal was out of the question…..

…..we were all too tired and dirty to be hungry…..

…..some ate leftover gumbo…..I opted for peanut butter smeared on a tortilla…..and called it a day…

***********We’ll keep checking the back pasture for more “new-comers”*************





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